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THE  SHIT LIST  (低级趣味,淑女莫入)   Comments

GHOST SHIT That is the kind where you feel the SHIT come out, have SHIT on the toilet paper, but there is no SHIT in the toilet.

CLEAN SHIT The kind where you SHIT it out, see it in the toilet, but there is nothing on the toilet paper.

WET SHIT The kind where you wipe your ass 50 times and it still feels unwiped. So you have to put some toilet paper between your ass and underware so you don’t ruin them with skid marks.

2nd WAVE SHIT It happens when you’er done SHITTING. You ‘ve pulled your pants up to your knees, and then realize that you have to SHIT some more.

BRAIN HEMORRAGE THRU-YOUR-NOSE -SHIT The kind where you strain so much to get it out that you practically have a stroke

RICHARD SIMMONS SHIT The shit where you SHIT so much that you lose 30 pounds.

CORN SHIT No explaination needed.

LINCOLN LOG SHIT The kind of SHIT that is so huge that you’re afraid to flush the toilet without breaking the SHIT into a few pieces with your toilet brush.

DRINKER’S SHIT That is the kind of SHIT that you have the morning after a long night of drinking. It’s most noteable trait is the tread marks left on the bottom of the toilet.

"GEE, I WISH I COULD SHIT" SHIT It is the kind where you want to SHIT, but all you do is sit on the toilet cramped and fart a few times.

SPINAL TAP SHIT That is the kind where it hurts so much coming out that you swear it was coming out sideways.

POWER DUMP That is the kind comes out of your ass so fast that your ass cheeks get splashed with toilet water.

LIQUID SHIT That is the kind where yellowish-brown liquid shoots out of your ass, splatters all over the inside of the toilet bowl, while the whole time burning your tender anus.

MEXICAN FOOD SHIT A class all it’s own!!!!!!!

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