我在huaren.us开了个面试贴士“资料收集”post,嘻嘻,不知道98欢迎此类话题否?无所不谈? :mrgreen:




xxxxxxx在面试之前,我整理出了一些常见面试问题的list。这个list主要是参考了“How to interview like a top MBA”这本书,和网友“知名度比较高”、“Wangxinhua”的帖子。现在把这个list贴出来,希望对正在找工作的xdjm有所帮助。

Interview Questions List

** General Resume Questions
1) Tell me about your management experience.

2) What did you like/dislike about yo1ur last job?

3) In your last job, what were some of the things you spent most of your time on, and why?

4) What are the broad responsibilities of a XXX position?

5) Take me through your resume, starting with your first full time job. (or “Describe your career progression to date.”)

6) Compare and contrast your experience at your last two jobs.

7) Tell me how you moved up through the organization?

8) Tell me about your management experience.

9) What is the least relevant job you have held?

**Questions about Career Goals
1) Where do you see yourself in five/ten years? (or “What are your short-term goals or long-term goals?”)

2) What are you looking for in your next job?

3) What would you like to be doing five years from now?

** Questions about the Available Job
1) What are you looking for in this job?

2) What is your understanding of this position and what skills do you bring to the position?
3) Why are you seeking to change jobs?

4) What types of job responsibilities do you find to be most rewarding? Why?

5) What types of job responsibilities do you find to be most frustrating? Why?

6) Why do you want to work here?

7) What interests you most about this job?

8) What makes this job different from your current/last one?

9) Can you work under pressure?

10) Does your company know you are looking?

11) Have you done the best work you are capable of doing?

12) How does this job compare with others you have applied for?

13) Why are you interested in this firm? (or “Why do you want to work here?”)

14) Why are you seeking a change now?

15) What will you contribute to this workplace? (or “What kind of experience do you have for this job?”)

16) How long would you stay with the company? (or “How long do you expect to be at this firm?”)

17) How do you view our company?

18) Where do you see this industry going?

19) What do you consider our mission to be?

** Questions about Your Education
1) In what ways do you believe your undergraduate major helped prepare you for this position?

2) What was your favorite course in college?

3) Why did you choose the college you attended?

** Questions about Your Qualifications
1) What attributes will make you a valued presence at our company?

2) Describe a tough problem that you have dealt with, tell me how you approached it and the outcome.

3) Tell me about a time when your manager was unavailable and you had to solve an immediate problem. What did you do and what was the outcome?

4) Tell me about a project you have been responsible for and how you organized the necessary paperwork, tasks, goals, etc.

5) Tell me about a decision you made that your supervisor disagreed with. How did you handle it?

6) How do you deal with difficult or demanding managers/co-workers/customers? Describe a situation.

7) Tell me about a time when you felt you had to break a company rule in order to get something done.

8) What do you consider your most significant accomplishment?

9) “Why do you believe you are qualified for this position?

10) Have you ever accomplished something you didn’t think you could?

11) What do you like or dislike most about your current position?

12) In what areas do you need to develop professionally?

13) What is your greatest professional strength? (or “What are your outstanding qualities?” or “What are your biggest accomplishments?”)

14) What are the reasons for your success in this profession?

15) How long would it take you to make a contribution to our company?

16) What are your qualifications?

17) Why should I hire you? (or “What can you do for us that someone else cannot do?”)

18) What is your greatest professional weakness? (or “What could you have improved about your performance in your last job?”)
19) If there is something we might be concerned about in your resume, what would it be?

20) You seem overqualified for this position. We think you may have a problem with the reduction in your responsibilities. What do you think about this?

** Questions about Your Leadership
1) Tell me about a situation at work in which you led a team well.

2) Tell me about a situation at work in which you experienced conflict and how you resolved it.

3) Describe a situation in which you faced an ethical challenge in the workplace and how you resolved it.

4)How do you handle difficult employees or co-workers?

4) What type of management style do you prefer (hands-on, frequent supervision, minimal supervision, etc.) and why?

5) How do you motivate subordinates?

6) How do you handle tension?

7) Tell me about a time when you exhibited initiative.

8) Tell me about a time when you solved an important problem in the workplace.

9) How do you organize and plan for major projects?

10) What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial?

11) Describe how your job relates to the overall goals of your department and company?

12) How do you deal with stressful situations at work?

13) What type of decisions did you make on your last job?

14) Describe a difficult problem you have had to deal with?

15) How do you define success in a team project?

16) Describe an unsuccessful project you have been involved with at work, and assess why it was not successful.
17) How do you help ensure that your employees meet project deadlines?

18) What is the central skill you employ in your current job?

19) How do you balance client needs with company goals?

20) How do you deal with difficult clients?

21) What elements make a work environment positive?

22) What have you done to make your current work environment more of a positive place to work?

23) In your experience, what elements make for an excellent team member?

24) Under what conditions would you fire someone?

** Questions about Your Career Progression
1) Why were you at that particular job such a short time?

2) You have moved jobs often in the past four years. What explains that?

** Questions about Losing or Leaving Your Job
1) Why are you leaving your current position


3) Have you ever been fired?

4) Why were you fired? (or “Why were you terminated?”)

5) Have you ever been asked to resign?

6) Were you ever dismissed from your job for a reason that seemed unjustified?

7) How long have you been looking for another position?

** Personal Questions
1) How do you seek to balance work and home life?

2) What do you do outside of work?

3) What was the last book you read? How did it affect you?

4) Whom do you most admire?

5) What early experiences led you on your current career track?

6) What is your favorite hobby? (or “What is your favorite extracurricular activity?”)

** Personality Questions
1) What did you like/dislike about your boss, or co-workers.

2) How would you describe yourself? (or “Name three adjectives that describe you.”)

3) What is your greatest weakness/strength?

4) What motivates you?

5) How would your friends/teammates/supervisor describe you?

6) What makes you unique?

7) Give me a recent example of constructive criticism you have received at work from a supervisor.

** End-of-interview Questions
1) Where else are you interviewing?

2) Do you have any questions about our company?

3) What additional questions can I answer for you?

4) Is there anything else you’d like to tell me before we conclude this interview?