September 18, 2004

An internal survey by the Chinese Communist Party has found that more than half its higher-echelon cadres are incompetent and many “lost their heads” when faced with difficult situations.

The frank admission in the official media yesterday came as the 198 members of the party’s central committee began the second day of a four-day meeting aimed at improving the party’s capacity to govern.

The meeting, known as a plenum session, is being held behind closed doors at an undisclosed location in Beijing.

Lu Xianfu, director of the party building department in the Central Party School, where up-and-coming cadres are groomed for senior positions, told the Xinhua news agency that the Communist Party, which boasts 66 million members, suffered from “incompetent leading cadres” and administration “loopholes”.

Mr Lu said a recent survey by the party school of leading cadres above county level showed more than half lacked the ability to “make a scientific judgement of a situation”.

More than one-third either “had difficulty tackling a complicated situation” or “totally lost their heads” in such a situation.

The school’s director cited the panicky reaction at the start of the SARS epidemic early last year as an example of “the lack of government capabilities to handle emergencies”.

Another of the school’s top thinkers, executive vice-president Yu Yunyao, was quoted as saying the issue of the party’s capacity to rule was becoming increasingly compelling.

“China’s reform and opening-up drive has entered a critical stage, with many deep-rooted problems starting to emerge and threatening to undermine social stability,” Xinhua summarised Mr Yu saying.

The warnings are part of numerous admissions that corruption and wasteful spending is eroding public faith in the political system, with tens of thousands of local protests against abuses now held each year.

President Hu Jintao, the party’s general secretary, wants the plenum meeting to adopt reforms to make the party more transparent and responsive. But he opposes any move towards electoral competition. Following Western political systems would be a “blind alley” for China, he said this week.