文章来源: 加猫 于 2004-03-18 16:16:49

家人年纪大了。希望我在身边照顾他们。我一人在国外,还没成家。家人对我在外面工作,学习精神上一直还算支持,但是也常常报怨说他们很可怜,没人在身边。说是经受着精神的折磨在担心我。现在又说赚钱又有什莫用。他们说:你在外面结了婚,成了家,又如何?一年顶多回国看望一次,没用。照顾不了他们。还说 ,就是有一天在外面赚钱成了百万富翁,找了合适的人成了家,有了孩子又如何?还不是一个人在国外?



文章来源: BJBlueCat 于 2004-03-18 17:20:46

Yeah all parents are like that especially the family with only one daughter. My suggestion: invite them over for a short period of time when conditions allow, when you are with them here, since the environment is completely new to them, you will be in charge. It’s the cycle of life, but you need to show them that it’s your turn to make the decision now. Also, try your best to help them financially, and when you go back, try your best to help them take care of things, like buying new furnitures, electric stuff, taking them out for dinner and traveling and giving them some money - when you do all these, be sure to act like you are the decision maker and don’t check with them too much. Little by little, they will get use to it. After all, they are your parents and love you a lot. Once they see how dependent and mature you really are, they will trust you and respect your decisions more. Just relax, as to the marriage, I believe that they want to see you find a trustworthy person. I think the main reason for their anxiety is that they still think you are a kid and want to protect you and cover you with their wings as much as possible, and that’s maybe why they want you to go back to China. Don’t stress it too much, dear sister, just relax, and do your best, and things will get better.

文章来源: ceCAEREER3 于 2004-03-18 21:52:43

Most Chineses strongly believe that raising a child is similar to buy a stock. A kind of investment. They expect returns. Selfish?

If you live in the western country for a while, you will find it is quite different. You are not liable to support your parents; however you are liable to raise your kids until they reach their adulthood. If you work in a company, the medical and detanl insurance only cover you, your spouse and your children (under 21). So your parents are not even considered as your family member. They are adult. That’s it.

One more thing to mention. Should you die in China, your assests will be evenly distributed among your spouse, your parents and your children. However in the US, your spouse get it first, then your children, then your parents. See the difference.

Here we only take care our kids. that is it. simple. Raising kids is our responsibility by the law. Do you see any case that parents sue child for not taking care of them? Never.

何为孝? there is no 孝. Everyone thinks about his/herself. Selfish is the mature. Even your parents.

文章来源: 照顾不上了 于 2004-03-18 22:12:19




不是儿子不孝,实在儿要先吃饭要紧。 我这人爱说实话,大家多原谅。

u need to marry first.
文章来源: pro 于 2004-03-19 06:40:33

they should be happy for you if you r well in usa.
ur first priority is to marry a successful man , once u have money, u can decide what to do next.

my parents said almost the identical thing to me. but when i bought them a multi-million(RMB) apt in shanghai, they r happier than ever. so $ can solve all problems.

Just go home for your parents
文章来源: ToBeGood 于 2004-03-19 20:07:04

If they need you badly, you must go home for them. Because you are their only child. At least for a while to see what happened in their life and to see what you can do for them. If nothing special, take time to persuade them to let you go. I believe your parents for sure understand your desire to know the world and they cannot take care your life forever. Eventually you have to live independently without them along with you.