

Eventually the word was used to refer to anyone who was gross or undesirable, be it through lack of hygiene, lack of social skills, or some other repulsiveness.

Recently it’s come to imply a certain bookishness or braininess as well, in keeping with the American anti-intellectual tradition. Opinions vary as to whether the braininess causes the repulsiveness or vice versa.

Very recently — in the 90’s — the repulsive connotation has receded and the brainy factor has come to the fore. One often hears the word “geek” used in ironic and even complimentary fashion to connote knowledgeability and expertise.


但是,geek已经越来越含有褒义的成分,尤其是用在朋友之间的时候。如果你有朋友属于特别聪明、成绩特好的类型,你就可以叫他/她geek(不过还是形容男生居多)。或者他/她特别痴迷某个领域,你可以叫他/她那个领域的geek,比如computer geek,science geek,history geek,music geek等等。


Geek和nerd的流行程度,从它们已经被正式收入字典可见一斑。还有一个强有力的证据,就是Google directory里居然专门有一栏是Geeks and Nerds。所以,要跟上潮流,一定要知道geek和nerd的意思。大家不妨看看自己身边有谁可以被称为geek或nerd。也许,你自己就是一个?:)

Bonus fun: 1)The Nerd Test  2)The Geek Test