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主题: 很高兴中国男人还没死完
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作者 很高兴中国男人还没死完   
所跟贴 很高兴中国男人还没死完 -- 七软八硬 - (578 Byte) 2006-9-05 周二, 22:42 (2059 reads)

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2005/12/16
文章: 2040
来自: 北美陆地爬行
海归分: 17427

文章标题: 转个CNN的文章, 恶心的是那个白人垃圾竟然还有华人粉丝 (340 reads)      时间: 2006-9-06 周三, 05:01   

作者:wuxin海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


  9月1日星期五,美国主流媒体CNN发表了一篇名为《猥琐博客激怒中国网络追杀》(Racy blog spurs 'Net hunt in China,Racy blog spurs 'Net hunt in China)的文章。文章称已经通过电子邮件采访了Chinabounder,然后说Chinabounder的Blog其实是一帮行为艺术家的作品。却未曾预料到会在中国引起轩然大波甚至是网络通缉和追杀。由于这个名为“情欲上海”的英文Blog包含了极多的关于中国女人的资料,含有侮辱中国社会的内容,最终导致了上海社会科学院的心理学教授张结海的网络通缉。有相当多的中国网民在张的Blog上留言表达了对流氓外教进行网络通缉和追杀的支持。







  Ok, here it goes. Seems to me that most people absolutely hate him, think he has lack of morale, which he clearly states himself.


  But in fact I think he is a genius. He might not even be a lecher (he probably just writes these thing to inform his readers to be aware of those kind of guys). As you have realized, he is a wonderful writer (at least, in comparison to me, I'm the shittiest writer ever, if you enjoy my writing I would laugh), and he is extremely intelligent. He knows so much about Chinese history which I think is amazing.

  (但我认为他是一个天才。他甚至不应该被称之为色鬼。他写这些东西的原因很可能是提醒他的读者要注意这类人。我们也应该承认,他是一个很不错写手—— 最起码和我比起来是这样啊——因为我是一个最狗屎的写手——如果你喜欢看我写的东西,我会笑惨的。而且他非常聪明哦,他对中国历史如此了解很让我非常惊奇。)


  Anyhow, I think I have got the Chinabounder syndrome. Wherever I go I think if that white man is Chinabounder. He is somewhere around 36 years old, white and probably tall. I wouldn't be suprised if he also was very goodlooking. Smile




  另外,从美国主流媒体CNN的这一篇报道,也突然让我回味起了Chinabounder在他的Blog上的一段话:“在中国这样一个操JB蛋的国家里,人们总是被媒体愚弄,导致普遍形成一种对真实社会现象的偏见。” Chinabounder还举例说他的学生中居然没有任何一个人知道前不久在升达学院(一所山西民办学校)发生的学生暴动事件。



Racy blog spurs 'Net hunt in China

SHANGHAI, China (AP) -- Chinese Internet users are raging against the anonymous author of a blog they say insulted China with its purported accounts of a British teacher's sexual exploits among Shanghai women.

However, a person responding to an e-mail to a contact address on the site said the authors were a group of performance artists who had fabricated its content as an investigation into online vigilante behavior.

"We did not anticipate quite the level of anger this would raise," said the message, which said the authors behind the cyber name "Chinabounder" included a British man, an Australian woman, two Chinese men and a Japanese woman.

The message said the blog had been closed out of concern for the safety of the group's Chinese members and ordinary expatriates in Shanghai.

The English-language blog, called "Sex and Shanghai," was inaccessible Thursday, but a cached page could be read through the Google search engine. Along with mildly lurid accounts of dates with Chinese women, it contained irreverent comments about Chinese society, and some on the controversy generated by the blog.

Critics of the blog had demanded that "Chinabounder" be unmasked and kicked out of China.

"Chase down the foreign scoundrel on the Internet," Zhang Jiehai, a professor of psychology at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, wrote in an essay posted on his own Chinese-language blog.

"We need to find this foreign filth and kick him out of China," Zhang wrote.

Numerous reader postings on Zhang's blog supported his call for a manhunt, often in highly profane terms.

"This kind of garbage, chop his head off," wrote one who signed as "sanipuga." "Pardon me, but I think these women are also garbage, national scum," said another, signed "Jiehuo."

Shanghai, one of China's most cosmopolitan cities, has a foreign population in the tens of thousands, many of them students and language teachers. Intimate relationships between locals and foreigners have grown increasingly common, but reports of racial tension are rare.

Police would not immediately comment on the blog and requested an inquiry in writing.

China has quickly developed the world's second-largest population of Internet users after the United States, with more 123 million people online. The rapid growth has outrun the authorities' constant attempts to police the Web, despite continual campaigns to step up surveillance and control.

Meanwhile, nine people went on trial this week for operating what is being called China's largest pornographic Web site, boasting more than 9 million pornographic images and articles viewed by 600,000 registered members.

The site, named "Pornographic Summer," was based overseas and operators regularly changed its domain name and switched servers and IP address to avoid detection, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

The men collected up to 266 yuan (US$33) from about 400,000 paying subscribers, Xinhua said, with the first 200,000 who joined paying nothing.

It said the trial began Wednesday in the northern city of Taiyuan, but didn't say what penalties the men face.

In China, as elsewhere, widespread Internet use has also facilitated online fraud and cyber-vigilantism.

In one well-known case, an angry husband who suspected his wife was having an affair with a college student called for help tracking him down. The student, who denied the accusation, was bombarded with harassing and threatening e-mails.

Despite the outrage among many Chinese, Chinabounder had at least one fan.

An overseas-born ethnic Chinese woman set up a site "Chinabounderess," that among other postings praises Chinabounder as a strong writer with a good knowledge of Chinese history.

作者:wuxin海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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