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主题: [影片]Old habits die hard! -- Alfie, u should see it.
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作者 [影片]Old habits die hard! -- Alfie, u should see it.   
所跟贴 [影片]Old habits die hard! -- Alfie, u should see it. -- Sandy_Rose - (5092 Byte) 2006-9-19 周二, 16:18 (2139 reads)

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校

加入时间: 2005/04/26
文章: 90

海归分: 12545

文章标题: 我也看了这个电影 (337 reads)      时间: 2006-9-19 周二, 23:52   

作者:追忆似水流年海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Alfie's theory1: girls: for us boys, it’s all about F B B. face, boobs, bum.
同意, 毕竟关了灯都一样一般发生在LM和MM相处的后期.

Theory 2, when it comes to shagging birds, it all comes to one thing: location, location, location!


Theory3, each woman is different, special, and unique, like snowflakes.
-- I at a certain point said this myself!


After sleeping with all the pretty women, Alfie always goes back to his special girl Julie, treating her like a Holiday Inn, whenever he needs a hot bath, nice dinner and a long sleep, he goes to Julie. Less did she know, for Alfie, he has his theory 4: it doesn’t do to become dependent on any body in this life. Change your nature, you are a dead man.

航空母舰也要海港呢, 毕竟没人一直是superman.

Julie later found Alfie’s fling’s red panties in her garbage. And there goes alfie’s special girl. He lost his holiday inn.


Alfie’s friends: Marlon and his girl friend Lynette.

Marlon是个好朋友,好男人. 可惜快绝种了.

Alfie asked Susan: what’s he got better than me?!

Susan replies: HE IS YOUNGER THAN YOU!

瓦罐经常井口破,将军难免沙场死. 出来混就不要怕挨刀. 刚看了黑白道, dark哥:有病,当警察就不要混黑社会么!

Alfie’s last monologue, for all the 98 LMs:

What have I got?
Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, fancy car at my disposal, and I'm single.
Yeah... unattached, free as a bird...
I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me...
My life's my own.
But I don't have peace of mind.
And if you don't have that, you've got nothing.
So... what's the answer?
That's what I keep asking myself.
What's it all about?
You know what I mean…?
选择就不要后悔, 不爽了就改行. 生活在从前的人最可悲!

作者:追忆似水流年海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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