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主题: [原创]奥巴马女孩连线各位政界要人(爆笑)
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作者 [原创]奥巴马女孩连线各位政界要人(爆笑)   
所跟贴 第3段到第7段???????????????????????????????????? -- 山东斯汀 - (2 Byte) 2009-1-14 周三, 07:38 (374 reads)

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: 因为背景知识的匮乏,我还是不理解,谁可以解释一下啊 (385 reads)      时间: 2009-1-14 周三, 19:01   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Next caller, you are on the air.

This is living Jamsion and this year our plan is to wear a Jimmy cap.
That is great, you should always practice saying sex.

I am gonna be extra safe. I got one on right now cause Bristol tried to trick me again. I am never taking it off, ever. Except when you are going to the bathroom. That is why i poked a little hole in it. I am not stupid, you know. Well, good luck with that and congratulations on your son being born. What kind name is tripp anyway? I don't know. What kind name is Obama girl?

(Part four) Next caller? Hi, It's Mike Huckabee am C.B. My new year's resolution is to move 600 units of this Chuck Norris grills as part of our quick proquote endorsement agreement. Ah, is that really a resolution? Remember our Chuck Norris ass-kicking grill, the only grill that cooks your food through shear intimidation.

-12Skywalker(11086065) 2009-01-14 09:39:23

(Part five) Next caller? This is Dick Cheney. This year I plan to tell the President-Elect that I’m his father right before cutting off his hand with a light saber. Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's way dick cheney. I find you lack of faith disturbing.

-12Skywalker(11086065) 12:59:24

(Part six) Next caller? This is John McCain. This year I plan to start aging backwords that of Benjeming Zipper fellow. Damn he got good-looking. Senator McCain, that is just a move. Do you have a real resolution? I guess I can try to learn to how to use google.

-12Skywalker(11086065) 12:59:44

(Part seven) Next! Hey, this is Fred Thompson. This year i want to make my new talk show which is fresh and viewer rating as my campaign was. So the first thing I am gonna do is…… Hello, hello?

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[小美女]奥巴马总统为我带来了什么?(ZT水文一篇并美图两幅) 海归酒吧 2009-11-24 周二, 22:44
[原创] 奥巴马 (Obama) 的同伙动坏了我的头. 同老中有关. 海归酒吧 2008-11-02 周日, 03:20
奥巴马访欧路线不明智,应该先法、德、布拉格再去G20峰会,坐在G20谈判桌... 海归主坛 2009-3-30 周一, 22:50
ZT: 网友实拍:奥巴马就职典礼后,垃圾遍地(图-老中的PLMM在华盛顿捡... 海归主坛 2009-1-24 周六, 07:49
男女关系经典对白(爆笑)~~~18+ 海归酒吧 2005-8-21 周日, 10:39
[原创+贴图] 墙外香人物 之 雷宜锌 -奥巴马说,我被镇住了! 生活风情 2012-1-22 周日, 05:52
[转帖]奥巴马说创造绿色就业 投资移民 2011-11-28 周一, 20:16
[分享]奥巴马:输什么都不能在创新上输给中国 春秋茶馆 2010-12-22 周三, 10:37

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