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主题: 读了这篇董文,替老谢捏了一把汗。再来一次那啥,老谢进去了,嘻嘻
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作者 读了这篇董文,替老谢捏了一把汗。再来一次那啥,老谢进去了,嘻嘻   
所跟贴 而华尔街的预测大师们总是对美国股市大唱赞歌,好爱国澳。 -- ceo/cfo - (351 Byte) 2009-1-16 周五, 08:34 (504 reads)

头衔: 海归少校

头衔: 海归少校
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2004/11/19
文章: 480
来自: 北京
海归分: 19387

文章标题: 前几天bloomberg的这则新闻把我逗坏了。以后援引谁的预测一定要加上他的track record。和和。 (369 reads)      时间: 2009-1-16 周五, 20:37   

作者:夏日海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

“Sometime around the middle of the year there’s going to be pretty conclusive evidence that the economy has stabilized,” Biggs said. “That’s what the stock market is now looking forward and seeing, and that’s why I think that this rally carries further.”

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index rallied after dropping to an 11-year low on Nov. 20. The benchmark plunged 38 percent in 2008, its worst yearly loss since 1937. Biggs was wrong in February 2008 he said the U.S. stock market is “at or very close to an important bottom.”

Biggs said airlines “make some sense” because they are cutting costs and getting a boost from lower fuel costs. The S&P 500 Airlines Index tumbled 29 percent in 2008, its fifth straight annual decline.

He also favors companies in less-developed countries. “The growth opportunities will be in emerging markets,” he said. “They are considerably cheaper then developed markets.”

作者:夏日海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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评书播讲:《老北京讲古》作者:耳福——一篇好文,可惜有点虎头蛇尾,但仍皇呛梦恼拢 海归茶馆 2006-1-01 周日, 04:36
陕西颂--送给完颜大侠 (在下一篇旧文,望将功补过) 海归论坛 2004-4-16 周五, 08:02

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