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主题: 【外长的最后一问,如春雷,如机关枪】 扫向观众席下每一位微笑的Anglo-Saxon 杨洁篪强势答问震欧美:前所未闻
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作者 【外长的最后一问,如春雷,如机关枪】 扫向观众席下每一位微笑的Anglo-Saxon 杨洁篪强势答问震欧美:前所未闻   
The Fifth Season

头衔: 海归中将

头衔: 海归中将
声望: 博导

加入时间: 2008/09/12
文章: 4241

海归分: 567427

文章标题: 【外长的最后一问,如春雷,如机关枪】 扫向观众席下每一位微笑的Anglo-Saxon 杨洁篪强势答问震欧美:前所未闻 (3969 reads)      时间: 2010-2-09 周二, 01:15   

作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

* 1/5 Equal rights (on the world)

* 代表 The best interests of Chinese people


--- 中国老百姓富裕了!"We have, in 30 years, lifted almost the total population of the United States out of poverty. " --- 与时间对比下,无懈可击!

--- " don't know how come this Google thing has cropped up. --- And the Chinese government, as any other government, has to do regulatory work according to law and according to what is in the best interest of China. I hope that foreign companies, while they try to do business or expand their business in China, will continue to respect public interests in China and the cultural traditions of China. "

--- 1/5 的说法,第一次听到,荡气回肠(1949?)“We have one-fifth of Mankind.” --- 喜欢这个词

“When we talk about equality and freedom of speech, we are talking about such attributes to decent society not only on an individual basis, but also on the basis of countries and democratization of international relations. One country or a few countries definitely cannot decide the future of the world. ” --- 嘿嘿,手榴弹和炸药包,都在这里,With the modesty !

--- 老外的也摄像机主动配合,顺势拍摄在坐席表情栩栩如生!

--- 一时间恍惚,没有人(对摄影师)发号施令,就如此因势利导,天衣无缝?提醒,老外就是喜欢用这一手貌似“窝里反”来获得人心!(接替老谋子也没则!)

--- 所以,是外长Win Win, 还是C-Span ? 恍惚 一时间

---- 革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力 - 龙抬头,精神可嘉!




ZT 杨洁篪强势答问震欧美 德外交官:前所未闻
中评社 2010-02-08 02:53:45











Munich - The US must stop selling arms to Taiwan, Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Friday, warning that Beijing would react to the most recent shipment. The US is finalizing the sale of 6.4 billion dollars' worth of Patriot missiles, helicopters and minesweepers to Taiwan, in a move which has provoked outrage in China.

"This is obviously a violation of the code of conduct among nations ... Of course the Chinese government and people will have to react, it's our sovereign right to do what is necessary," Yang told the Munich Security Conference.

"I think the Chinese people and government have every reason to feel indignant about this thing ... Would you like this to be done to yourselves?" he asked an audience of top defence and security policy- makers from Europe and North America.

Yang said he hoped that the US "will change its behaviour on arms sales and ... they will stop arms sales to Taiwan."

The US-China relationship has soured sharply in recent months in the wake of the planned arms sale and a major attack on US internet search giant Google - allegedly carried out by Chinese state-backed hackers.

Google has since announced that it is reconsidering its presence in China as a response to the country's growing internet censorship.

"People have to respect a country's historical background, culture and traditions, and the Chinese government has to do regulatory work according to the law and the best interests of China," Yang said, adding that his country supported freedom of speech.

"Those companies which choose a wise path will never regret" coming to China, he said.

Copyright DPA

Read more: https://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/307756,extrachinese-foreign-ministerstop-us-arms-shipments-to-taiwan.html#ixzz0exzxg46E

作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由The Fifth Season于2010-2-09 周二, 09:23修改,总共修改了8次

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