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主题: CPU 内存项目
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作者 CPU 内存项目   
所跟贴 通用计算机,意味着不是针对具体的application的 -- SBYY - (824 Byte) 2010-10-17 周日, 12:21 (2828 reads)

头衔: 海归中尉
声望: 学员

加入时间: 2010/04/14
文章: 74

海归分: 4606

文章标题: 难道CPU除了用来作web server, 还做别的吗?切!] (2853 reads)      时间: 2010-10-17 周日, 12:22   

作者:SBYY新的CPU缓存电路 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[推论: 所以我们的优化算法可以改善所有的应用, 可以在Intel的CPU 上统一采用 -- 难道CPU除了用来作web server, 还做别的吗?切!]

(有人怀疑我的CS知识太皮毛 --- 所以我也不敢说不信了。。。跟着喊吧,打倒Wintel! 中国人牛X! 万岁!)

Sorry to spoil your fun! -- but if it's easily spoiled, it probably is not real fun, so keep it up...

[其实,还是研究治癌比较好。。。那玩意儿,懂得人少些]Yeah, I may not understand, so please help me out:

Could you please explain to me,

"theoretical upper limit of cache replacement algorithms" -- is it regarding ALL possible software applications, or only specific applications be tested/optimized for?

I am aware of The theoretically optimal page replacement algorithm
(also known ad Belady's optimal page replacement policy), which is a theoretical concept, that can not be implemented for GENERAL PURPOSE OPERATING SYSTEM,unless the software application to run on it iis either known before hand or has specific memory access patterns.

So how is this "theoretical upper limit of cache replacement algorithms" defined here? -- in regard of software applications being executed on the CPU/OS.

Mind you, optimal solution regarding special type of software applications is still meaningful & maybe useful, but a far cry from the earth-shattering claims being made here.

作者:SBYY新的CPU缓存电路 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

CPU 内存项目 中的专利问题 新的CPU缓存电路 2010-10-29 周五, 15:41
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