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主题: 看看都是北大的,为何就这么差距呢:波尔的波,斜阳。惋惜啊
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作者 看看都是北大的,为何就这么差距呢:波尔的波,斜阳。惋惜啊   
所跟贴 看看都是北大的,为何就这么差距呢:波尔的波,斜阳。惋惜啊 -- NJ_TIGER - (52 Byte) 2011-3-28 周一, 15:21 (4758 reads)

年龄: 49
加入时间: 2010/02/05
文章: 2008

海归分: 814623

文章标题: 和这个比,"大隐隐于朝,中隐隐于市,小隐隐于野"就听着特叶公好龙。贴图: 我们从哪里来?我们是谁?我们往哪里去? (826 reads)      时间: 2011-3-29 周二, 10:38   

作者:emperorfan海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

1979年考入北大国际政治系, 8-9年在读哲学博士,曾任班级共青团书记,报导称, 19-8-9年-六-四后,王青松携当时任北大英语系教师的张姓妻子,双双辞去北大教职,一起退隐河北深山。






(In Boston Museum of Fine Arts)

Gauguin explained to a friend that Where Do We Come From? is a meditation on birth, life, and death in the light of Maori mythology. The letter also informs us:

The bright yellow patches, top right and left, were intended to suggest corners of a fresco or a tapestry, whose corners had rotted, revealing the golden wall beneath.… To the right … a sleeping child and three crouching women. Two people dressed in purple confide their thoughts to one another. An enormous crouching figure … lifts up its arm and stares in astonishment at these two, who dare to question their destiny. At the center someone is picking fruit.… An idol, its hands mysteriously raised … seems to indicate the Beyond. Lastly, an old woman nearing death appears to accept everything.… She completes the story!
The fruit picker at the center is in fact a mahu: one of a caste of effeminate men revered for their mystical powers. On arriving in Tahiti with shoulder-length hair, Gauguin had initially been taken for a mahu by a gang of giggling local girls.

After finishing Where Do We Come From?, Gauguin decided to carry out his vow to kill himself. He claimed to have climbed up into the mountains, taken a huge dose of arsenic, and lain down to die in the hope that his body would be devoured by ants. Supposedly, the arsenic didn’t work; more likely, he never took any.

In disgust at the way so-called civilization had corrupted Tahiti, Gauguin continued his quest for the sacred fire of primitivism. He settled almost 1,000 miles farther away at Hivaoa, a beautiful hellhole in the Marquesas Islands. And there, in great pain and distress, in the thatched hut he had named Maison du Jouir (House of Orgasm), decorated with life-size reliefs of naked women carved from sequoia wood and a set of pornographic photographs he had bought in Port Said, he died at the age of 54.

作者:emperorfan海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由emperorfan于2011-3-29 周二, 11:14修改,总共修改了1次

来点狠得,斜阳妹妹一定喜欢:北大的 海归商务 2011-3-28 周一, 15:20
建议海归网成立一个小资俱乐部,蝎子MM,波尔MM,巴黎MM, 斜阳MM等等... 海归茶馆 2007-9-14 周五, 23:16
南京月牙湖畔,斜阳成碧,问潮洲冷否?道:天凉好个球! 海归酒吧 2014-5-24 周六, 18:23
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北京、上海、成都招聘猎头,联系:[email protected] 海归职场 2010-6-03 周四, 18:37
发骚贴:北京人几乎都是爱无能,不但爱无能而且性无能 海归酒吧 2010-3-24 周三, 04:22

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