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主题: 请过来人指点,谢谢!
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作者 请过来人指点,谢谢!   
所跟贴 Just curious, why does your LG push you to get a PHD? If I were you, -- ceo/cfo - (70 Byte) 2005-11-25 周五, 22:26 (247 reads)


文章标题: no idea ya... (269 reads)      时间: 2005-11-25 周五, 23:09      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

he is talented and ambitious...He works hard... almost have no time to company me...I trust him and haven't seen any excuses...(I can feel that he is very busy and the pressure he is carrying on) . I would like to release some pressure out of his shoulders and support him right by his side...But his suggestion really puzzles me...

I guess he may think a student life is easier than the life of a busy so called white-collar without a good pay in China...He said he didn't expect me to raise the family...just said a phd may do me good in china...is it true? does a foreign citizenship help in china?

Thanks for your reply.

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

忘了怎么上传,请同学们指点,谢谢 高山流水 2013-5-13 周一, 06:42
重击老唐,中国首骗,请批评指正,谢谢! 海归主坛 2010-7-22 周四, 11:33
[问题]持绿卡每5-6个月入境,怎么回答移民官问题?请指教,谢谢了! 海归主坛 2007-12-12 周三, 15:02
祝大家龙年快乐万事如意,并请教一个问题,谢谢! 海归茶馆 2012-1-23 周一, 07:53
【求助】美国农民去你们加拿大多伦多朝圣,不知道怎么进城,多伦多的朋友多多指... 海归主坛 2008-2-09 周六, 03:54
有熟悉攀钢钢钒这只股票情况的请PM兄弟一下,谢谢。 谈股论金 2007-8-21 周二, 19:31
请大虾们指教,哪位了解下这面家公司及其类似业务的公司 海归论坛 2006-1-10 周二, 21:47
关于小哈昨天的指教,今天试着翻译一把,请小哈再指教,。。。 海归茶馆 2005-12-16 周五, 05:39

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