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主题: zt 我绝对不是给大家添乱,只是我实在困惑想请教各位!是什么让大家有信心有勇气为父母的?也许我的话有些过激,也请大家原谅!多谢大家!
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作者 zt 我绝对不是给大家添乱,只是我实在困惑想请教各位!是什么让大家有信心有勇气为父母的?也许我的话有些过激,也请大家原谅!多谢大家!   
所跟贴 zt 我绝对不是给大家添乱,只是我实在困惑想请教各位!是什么让大家有信心有勇气为父母的?也许我的话有些过激,也请大家原谅!多谢大家! -- ycm - (1361 Byte) 2006-1-12 周四, 13:33 (1261 reads)


文章标题: be as life should be (202 reads)      时间: 2006-1-14 周六, 12:56      

作者:游客海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

i am 39,divoced three years ago,no kid,since my ex feeled similar as yours and fear of pain.

i cared about her,but after 11 years,we go in different direction.alike your situation,material condition is ready,house,Benz and every thing.also i think i am not famous figure,why i need someone bear my name.

now i seems to know,just do when time is coming ,i mean,fall in love with that one,marry,fight for life,give a birth to kids,raise them,see them in college,see them amrry,they say hello to us,we retired,they send us back to where belong,that is a complete life,we are not saint so go with average rules,just like your parents,do you feel love your parents or beloved by them is a good feeling,if so give thhat life a chance.

like i just watched the movie:polar express on palne to sydney,
tom hanks say: kid,just get on,do not think its destination.

life jist like this,do what you should do whne time comes,and give
that kid a chance.do not asked why,simple and honest rules is always best one.

result,having a kid,i believe it is nice choice.

作者:游客海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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