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主题: 融入主流的Charlie (四)--信仰(下)
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作者 融入主流的Charlie (四)--信仰(下)   
所跟贴 I could hardly believe that company -- ceo/cfo - (397 Byte) 2006-5-12 周五, 02:12 (670 reads)

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校

性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2005/02/18
文章: 59

海归分: 44794

文章标题: Me either. I was shocked just like you. Guess it's not (415 reads)      时间: 2006-5-12 周五, 06:06   

作者:谁的未来不是梦海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

typical American corperate culture. We are not public corperate, but private business, maybe that's part of the reason. Plus, president was sitting on a small table with us.

However, I keep hearing stuff like this. Yesterday, when golfing with some folks after work, a big water body laid in the middle of a fairway, so before drive, everybody was afraid of getting wet. One guy drew a cross mainly for joking, then another well educated guy said: "Your might drive your ball in water because of doing that..." That's fine with me. Then he said, "God loves water... Christ's blood..." I knew what he was saying, but kept silent.

If the grass roots of the company keep talking religions, president might as well to show his popularity and the "family" atmosphere. In my opinion, he was not behaving properly on this, but, what choice did I have? My point is, be prepared, know more, it won't hurt. One day, anybody could end up in such an awkward situation. If I were CEO/CFO, I would not give it a shit, I would cut the conversation and just walk out of the room. But, I need make a living at this stage, so don't want to make pointless arguement with him on this.

作者:谁的未来不是梦海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

原创: 融入主流的Charlie (三)--信仰(上) 海归论坛 2006-5-08 周一, 08:58
原创: 融入主流的Charlie (二)--身世 海归论坛 2006-5-08 周一, 03:35
原创: 融入主流的Charlie (一)--身边的故事 海归论坛 2006-5-07 周日, 05:45
范哈兒將軍的風流韻事(上)转载。四川人多风流。 海归酒吧 2009-3-15 周日, 23:02
[原创][贴图]三毛流浪记之:摩洛哥 (四):人啊,我爱你们 生活风情 2007-10-19 周五, 02:49
[原创]普克宣言(六)----之会玩普克融入主流社会不要太快 Pocker Room 2006-9-13 周三, 11:08
长篇小说连载:落花流水的爱情(十四) 海归风情 2006-8-24 周四, 00:00
长篇小说连载:落花流水的爱情(四) 海归风情 2006-8-04 周五, 02:31

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