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海归论坛 -> 海归商务

#1: 向大家汇报一下美国护照持有者在国内买房的手续--并向不拉致谢 作者: 在人间 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 05:37
作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


A, 外国护照持有者在买国内房子,基本上需要有在国内工作一年的证明.这一点,因为现在各地区在政策执行上的混乱所以很容易办成.我在上海的房产代理让我出个证明,我就让公司在上海的BRANCH出了个工作合同,就可以了.
现在还是中国公民的,可以在中国领事馆做个公证,很方便.但是如果是外国护照持有者需要委托国内人代理购房手续,中国领事馆是不代理的. 必须经过以下的手续:
需要在美国的NOTARY PUBLIC做POWER ATTORNEY的公证,然后这个公正还要有州务卿的公证,最后,这两份文件要送去中国领事馆做公证,一共是三个文件,缺一不可.对于你要委托的人,你只需要他的名字.地址.生日和身份证号码.
3>上海市的房价很高,市中心好房子甚至比美国硅谷的房价还高.但是如果不是投资的话,买下来自己住还是可以的,至少没有美国这里的地产税和HOA这些东西会给你每月带来NEGATIVE CASH FLOW.如果是投资的话,就算了,有这把钱,即便放在银行生的利息,都足够在上海好区租个不错的房子了.

作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#2: 好,顶!不过,要你再加一些内容,比如,美国护照如何拿到银行贷款?买房的美元如何进入中国? 作者: 安普若来自: 中国美国的飞机上 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 06:31


#3: 谢谢校长鼓励,是酱紫的 作者: 在人间 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 07:21
作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

安普若 写道:



作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#4: 好像也有例外 作者: wildcalifornia来自: Lake Tahoe 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 09:24

#5: 照片挺象小汤的. 小伙子挺精神的 作者: 暗八仙来自: 北京 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 09:27
wildcalifornia 写道:

#6: 谢谢。 作者: wildcalifornia来自: Lake Tahoe 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 09:33
暗八仙 写道:
照片挺象小汤的. 小伙子挺精神的


#7: 我的中介告诉我,买房是可以一次过换〉五万的。一人一房,小朋友算不算人? 作者: 三中心 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 09:56
在人间 写道:


#8: 有买房合同是可以一次换250k or 300k美刀 depending on how 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:01
作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

三中心 写道:

much the condo/townhouse costs, and you have to go to 浦东外管局 to get ok, a piece of cake. But that was two years ago. 一人一房,小朋友算不算人?minors 不算!They don't charge property tax yet but there is a monthly "HOA" from 1.50 to 4.00 rmb per sq. meter (物业费)。 So there are annual carrying cost including HOA, utilities, phone, cable assuming you pay cash for the place, which is lot less than keeping a condo here in the U.S. For instance if you own a townhouse in Sandy Spring, GA (a nice community in Atlanta, GA) and plan to live there occasionally. The 3 bed/2 bath townhouse will cost you about $2000 property tax, $250-$400 per month HOA which includes cable, mgt. fee, trash pickup and water bill. So the carrying cost will be at least 6000 美刀。
If you know the developer in Shanghai and he/she happens to be HK resident, you will be allowed to buy the place on the spot (new property) and sign the contract. 美刀can be directly wired to his/her HK a/c later according to the exchange rate on the very day the contract is signed. There are so many ways to do it as long as you are serious about the purchase. Laughing

作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#9: I made an offer on 250sqm2 duplex in 四方新城, can't 过户。 作者: 三中心 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:20
ceo/cfo 写道:
有买房合同是可以一次换250k or 300k美刀 depending on how

#10: You may have the "wrong" people for this purchase. 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:27
三中心 写道:
I made an offer on 250sqm2 duplex in 四方新城, can't 过户。

Do you need my help? Wink

#11: 好像有, 不过我也没找到过. 不过功夫王和夏门龟啃锭知道. 他们俩儿比较腐败. 作者: 暗八仙来自: 北京 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:30
wildcalifornia 写道:

#12: why buying a house in Shanghai? 作者: sealion 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:35
作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

All the info is up-to-date.

The transaction cost of buying and selling a house in SH is very high. Unless the house appreciate at least 20%, you will not make any money in less than 5 years.

Unless you can borrow 外币 (日元 2.75%, US $ 5.5%, or HK $ 5.25%) from 外资银行, it make no sense to borrow RMB at 6.27% from 内资银行.

租房回报 is around 4% (300W house, rent is around 1W), which is low. If not for investment purpose, I will select the rental option.

人民币升值和外币的低利率 are the two major reasons why high end real estate market in SH is still going up.

The other reason is that HK and TW residents still can borrow 外币 from multiple 外资银行. 不象内资银行, 外资银行并不联网。

A friend of mine just brought four houses in SH last month and get loans from 4 different 外资银行. He is a UK citizen and work in SH for just over one year. In SH, you can buy multiple houses, but need to be in different districts. (静安区一套,黄埔区一套,浦东一套,卢湾区一套)

In conclusion, unless you can borrow 外币 from 外资银行 if make no sense to buy a house in SH.

For 自住, please rent.

For investment, please put the money in A股 stock market and buy real estate stock.

作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#13: 卖掉了:((( 作者: 三中心 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:37
ceo/cfo 写道:
You may have the "wrong" people for this purchase.

#14: Bingo... 作者: sapientaf来自: 弯曲,上海,班格罗尔,北京,新加坡 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 11:43
作者:sapientaf海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

sealion 写道:
why buying a house in Shanghai?

At last some level headed thinking...

Another factor to consider, there is no fixed rate mortage in RMB term offered by local banks. Consider the high inflation and over heated economy in China at the moment, the interest payment will sure increase over time.

Put mony in A share is another big gamble at this level, but at least it is much cheaper to flip stock than condo.

作者:sapientaf海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#15: 试着回答你的问题 作者: 在人间 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 12:11
作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

sealion 写道:
why buying a house in Shanghai?

这个是传统的老问题了,每个人都有自己的打算.从合算不合算的算计来说,现在的上海肯定是租合算,不要说上海,就是美国加州,可能也是租比买合算. 我百万美元的破房子,每年的地产税和维修费就可以让我租豪宅了.


有钱可以投资也可以享乐,更可以做BOTH.大家都在不同的阶段做不同的事情.买房子的人也可以同时在买A股的. 所以,你不能对一个买个房子的人比较投资A股和投资房市的利弊,你怎么知道他没有投资A股呢?你怎么知道这个阶段什么是比较重要的呢? 拜托你不要ASSUME太多拉.谢谢.

作者:在人间海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#16: Why NOT buying a condo in Shanghai? 作者: ceo/cfo 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 12:52
作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

sealion 写道:
why buying a house in Shanghai?

俺那几间破屋都more than double la. Mad One dollar = 2.5 rmb happened before in 1980s!! Laughing 历史的经验告诉我们,置产是一定有回报的,is a core part of your asset portfolio from a long term point of view!
Too many other advantages to list....

On the other hand, one man's meal is another man's poison. Different people have different priorities on their lists. Mr. Green

作者:ceo/cfo海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#17: 楼市下跌 作者: sealion 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 13:40
作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

sapientaf 写道:



during the past two years. you can make a lot of money in the stock market (China). Right now, i do not think so.

if you buy house before 2003, you can make a lot of monty. right now, i do not think so.




when $1 = 5.5 RMB in 2002, it is the time for everyone to cash out.

作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#18: 你要保留好这个外管局文书,日后卖了重新汇出来就靠这个 作者: 不拉不拉 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 13:45
ceo/cfo 写道:
有买房合同是可以一次换250k or 300k美刀 depending on how


#19: bubble is SH 作者: sealion 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 13:59
作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

在人间 写道:

if you have 300W-500W 闲钱 and do not know to spend it, buy a house in SH is not a bad choice.

however i want to say there is bubble in SH high-end real estate market.

i can get mortgage at 5.5%.

RMB appreciation is 5%, inflation is 3.5% (assume house will appreciate the same rate as inflation), rental income is around 4%.

total return will be 12.5%-5.5%=7% and this is net.

if possible, i will get as many loans as possible. And you can as a 境外人士。you can get loans from at least dozen foriegn banks in China.

Everyone should be aware there is bubble there. When you think about buying a high-end house in SH with all cash, think it twice.

When the bubble bursted in 2003, lots of people will 跳楼。

作者:sealion海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

#20: 现在不容易借钱,首付要求较高 作者: 不拉不拉 文章时间: 2007-7-29 周日, 14:04
sealion 写道:
bubble is SH


海归论坛 -> 海归商务

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