什么是trophy wife?这是个问题,特提出来与山人兄商榷。
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#1: 什么是trophy wife?这是个问题,特提出来与山人兄商榷。 (3040 reads) 作者: 韦小宝 文章时间: 2009-3-28 周六, 08:52
作者:韦小宝海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

楼下山人兄讲到其的trophy wife泡经,小宝感觉其对trophy wife的定义明显有极大差异,所以在这里提出来抛砖引玉。

在Google中输入trophy wife,第一个记录就是:


A trophy wife is commonly used to describe any wife who is considered a status symbol.

我认为wikipedia的这个定义,也是西方主流的看法。trophy wife,也就是男人在功成名就以后获得的战利品之一,用于measure their success。跟trophy wife相关的,是luxury car, mansion, yachts, castle, jet等等。所有这些战利品,都有一个共同特点,high maintenance。用更投资的术语讲,就是holding costs非常高。因为如此,一旦这些人事业上遭遇滑铁卢,这些战利品根本拿不住,首先dispose的就是这些东西。

比如,去年9月份雷曼兄弟傻掉,标志着大规模的金融危机到来。西方媒体有大量报道bankers失去trophy wives,离婚律师忙坏了,帮着trophy wives们分钱,做鸟兽散状。


As it turns out, most toxic trophy wives aren’t leaving their husbands to join the work force. They’re looking for new rich men to replace the newly poor ones.

从这些文章可以看出,trophy wife其实在英文中是个贬义词,就连在wikipedia中与之相关的词条就是toy boy和gold digger。如果山人兄跟你老婆真心相爱,如果你老婆真懂西方文化,如果你当她的面叫她trophy wife,她会很不高兴的,请山人兄明鉴。让美人无谓地生气,可是一件成本很高的事情,不可儿戏。

最后,小宝举一个最新的trophy wife的例子。


64岁的Netscape co-founder Jim Clark婚娶28岁的澳洲泳装模特Kristy Hinze, 我认为是一个典型的trophy wife泡经的例子。Jim Clark的net worth也就刚过$1b,在硅谷,这个钱不算多,钱比他多、人比他年轻、长的比他帅的男人有的是。


"I never thought I was going to date an older man when I first met him," Hinze told the magazine, which is on sale tomorrow.

"To me, it was different to hang out with someone with something to say that was so interesting and important and who was truly, incredibly intelligent.

"He's handsome and has so much charisma - and he's so funny."

为什么老白袜男Jim Clark能抱得美人归?小宝相信,以他64岁的高龄,赢得美人都他的这么好的评价,其泡经绝对值得98各位LM敬仰。

作者:韦小宝海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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