刚才去youtube找了半天“To Fly!", 居然没有!
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#1: 刚才去youtube找了半天“To Fly!", 居然没有! (1937 reads) 作者: china_firefly 文章时间: 2009-10-05 周一, 14:46
作者:china_firefly海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


去网上google了一圈,还是没找到,后来发现DC的太空博物馆还在放。再细看,原来是1976年制作的,天天放,一直放了30多年, 真是经典啊!!


Experience the legendary Imax film that millions have raved about for over 30 years. Watch the Earth drop away beneath you on an 1800s balloon ascent; rocket across the Arizona skies with the U.S. Navy's Blue Angels; soar on a hang glider off the coast of Hawaii; and blast off into space on a Saturn rocket. The incredible Imax 5-story screen and 20,000 watts of sound will take you on a journey few pilots have experienced. To Fly! is the Museum's first and most popular Imax film. (1976; 27 minutes).


原摄影者叫:Greg MacGillivray, 网站是: https://www.macfreefilms.com/films.htm

他后来拍的IMAX电影 Alps也不错,是讲一个登山高手命丧Alps,几十年后,儿子循着老爸踪迹,一直爬到山顶,完成夙愿。

极悲壮震撼的,也由衷佩服老外的勇气。(如果是我,估计会阻止的, 真没出息啊。。。)

作者:china_firefly海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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