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#1: [转帖][新闻]高盛大中华区主席胡祖六即将退休 (1516 reads) 作者: tahiti 文章时间: 2010-3-11 周四, 10:52
作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group Inc.)发言人周三说,在高盛工作时间最长的中国高管之一、大中华区主席胡祖六(Fred Hu)即将离任。

高盛发言人于圣智 (Angela Yu)称,在为高盛工作13年后,作为高盛中国合伙人的胡祖六将在4月份退休,并将担任公司的顾问董事。


高盛将继续拥有一支强大的管理团队来负责管理规模庞大的中国业务,包括高盛在华合资企业高盛高华证券有限责任公司 (Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities)董事长方风雷,以及高盛高华证券首席执行长、高盛合伙人蔡金勇。

胡祖六加入高盛时,最初是担任高盛大中华区首席经济学家,之后又先后担任总经理、中国投行业务联席负责人。美国前财长鲍尔森(Henry Paulson)任高盛首席执行长期间,胡祖六曾是鲍尔森在中国的关键人物,而且与中国前总理朱镕基保持着密切的关系。2008年,胡祖六被任命为高盛大中华区主席。


Denis McMahon / Nisha Gopalan

Goldman Sachs Greater China Chmn Fred Hu To Retire

Fred Hu, Greater China chairman for Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) and one of its longest-serving China executives, is leaving his post at the Wall Street bank, a Goldman Sachs spokeswoman said.

Hu will retire as partner in April after 13 years with Goldman Sachs and take up a role as an advisory director for the firm, Angela Yu, spokeswoman for Goldman's Chinese joint venture, said Wednesday.

It's unclear what Hu will do next. He didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

Goldman will continue to have a substantial management team overseeing its large China operation, including Fang Fenglei, chairman of its joint venture, Goldman Sachs Gao Hua Securities, and Cai Jin-yong, a Goldman partner who is the joint venture's chief executive.

Hu joined Goldman Sachs as chief economist for Greater China before later becoming general manager, then co-head of investment banking in China. He was Henry Paulson's point man in China during the former treasury secretary's time as chief executive at Goldman Sachs, and is close to former Chinese premier Zhu Rongji. He was named chairman of Greater China in 2008.

'Fred has played a significant leadership role in the development of our China franchise and the Asia region and led some of the firm's landmark transactions in financing, advisory and principal investments,' said an internal Goldman memo sent to employees Wednesday. 'We look forward to continuing our relationship with Fred and benefiting from his counsel, knowledge and relationships in his advisory role.'

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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