猎头职位:【猎头】-上海-【Telecom OSS Senior Java Engineer】
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#1: 猎头职位:【猎头】-上海-【Telecom OSS Senior Java Engineer】 (1014 reads) 作者: jackiesong 文章时间: 2010-6-05 周六, 08:31
作者:jackiesong海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

500强外企热聘【Telecom OSS Senior Java Engineer】


By cooperate with foreign customer and local development team

1) Design and implement the new function for back-end Telecom product.

2) Design and implement the performance, failover, long-term stability etc. test cases for back-end Telecom product.

3) Support DBA team to do performance tuning for our product

1. At least 5 years Java development experience

2. Good skills on mainly J2EE framework (EJB3,Hibenate, iBATIS,xml,JDBC)

3. Strong background on JBoss including administration/development/development/testing.

4. Rich experience in Java test frame work (JUnit,TestNG,Maven,DBUnit etc.)

5. Rich system test and performance tuning experience in back-end system

6. experience on ORACLE development

7. Excellent teamwork and communication skills

8. Management skill is a plus


有意者请将简历发送至[email protected]

或联系MSN:[email protected] 或QQ:526674399


Krimx.com 是复旦、中欧MBA发起的猎头职位分享网站

作者:jackiesong海归招聘 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

海归论坛 -> 海归招聘

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