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#1: 祝各位大大圣诞快乐,新年快乐,抢钱快乐。 (1439 reads) 作者: theoretical 文章时间: 2010-12-24 周五, 09:19
作者:theoretical谈股论金 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

2010就要过去了,剩下几天休息吧,新年时俺再放炮,娱乐预测2011年走势。 Mr. Green

POETIC LOOK AT 2010 By John Murphy

WITH APOLOGIES TO POETS EVERYWHERE... Twas the night before Christmas

And on the street they call Wall
Traders and investors were having a ball,
Stocks and commodities were ending on a high note
Which for the global economy was a positive vote,
Extended tax cuts started by Bush
Also gave stocks a positive push,
Consumers were doing a lot of shopping
Retail stocks as a result were popping,
December had its usual seasonal rally
A last week Santa bounce could add to its tally,
During the summer stocks started to jump
And as usual gave the economy a bump,
Double dip economists got a surprise
While chart readers took the prize,
A weak dollar kept foreign stocks surging
As investors put money into markets emerging,
Commodity traders became even more bold
Which caused a new record high in gold,
Most commodities were also on the boil
As December saw a two-year high in oil,
Thanks partly to the mid-term election
Stocks and commodities became the top selection,
Rising inflation fears made bond yields rise
Only the Fed viewed that with surprise,
From inflation's core it excludes fuel and food
But drivers and shoppers were in an inflationary mood,
They started their bond funds to sell
As most fixed income categories fell,
Not all bonds fell across the fixed income field
One group that help up best was high yield,
Financials became December's best
Even homebuilders passed a technical test,
2010 has been a pretty good year
And there's plenty of reason for Christmas cheer,
So to our readers on Main Street and Wall
We wish a Merry Christmas to one and all.

作者:theoretical谈股论金 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

海归论坛 -> 谈股论金

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