【一天等于一年】阳光灿烂,蓝天白云,空气清新,四季如春,十年几乎不涨价 - 这就是朕移民月球前所定居的创新摇篮龟谷
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#1: 【一天等于一年】阳光灿烂,蓝天白云,空气清新,四季如春,十年几乎不涨价 - 这就是朕移民月球前所定居的创新摇篮龟谷 (1971 reads) 作者: 龟谷教皇 文章时间: 2011-2-03 周四, 06:52
作者:龟谷教皇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Roadmap California (1/17/11)

Powered by innovation
Fueled by automation
Flying in superhighway
Sailing across red sea
Exploring wild frontier

There will be a lighthouse
There will be a paradise

加州印象 (1/16/11) - 7


Bay Area II (11/1/10)

Stars are shining on the hills
Gold are buried in the minds
Wind is falling from the sky
Wine is brewing in the valley
Rain is making from the ocean
Inno is singing in the engine

Bay Area I (10/16/10)

There are no seasons
There are no skyscrapers
There are no boundaries
There are no ceilings

Same highway
Different speed
Same ocean
Different view

Root of inspiration
Source of innovation
Road to success
Destination of freedom

No place like this
With infinite opportunities
Bay Area Bay Area
Bay Area Bay Area

San Francisco (10/11/10)

Surrounded by water
Supported by hills
Covered with fogs

Pacific's golden gate
New comer's dream port
Continent's silver bullet

San Francisco San Francisco
San Francisco San Francisco

I Am Back (10/5/10)

It takes me a minute to get used to more fresh air
It takes me an hour to get used to cleaner water
It takes me a day to get used to safer food
It takes me a week to get used to higher speed limit
I am back on such a wonderful day through Argonaut Way

West Side Story I (May 10, 2008) - 15

Do You Know the Way to San Jose?
I wanna some Classical Gas in the Story Road
Watch Beautiful Isle of Somewhere in The Days of Wine and Roses
On The Dock of the Bay with Strangers in the Night
Pick Little Green Apples with A Taste of Honey
At Dead End Street in the Sunnyvale Orchard
Catch a Falling Star On Mission Peak like a Midnight Flyer

In The Shadow of Your Smile
I Left My Heart in San Francisco
Let the Good Times Roll like That Old Black Magic
Cast Your Fate to the Winds If I Had a Hammer
What a Difference a Day Makes in the Far East Suite
Farewell to Deep Purple in A Hard Day's Night
We'll Sing in the Sunshine like King of the Road

作者:龟谷教皇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

海归论坛 -> 海归商务

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