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#1: 【以史为镜,可以知兴替】美国以移民立国,中国以科举立国。北大农村学生比例从50年代的70%降至如今1%,必须给学子以希望 (2154 reads) 作者: 龟谷教皇 文章时间: 2011-2-26 周六, 00:00
作者:龟谷教皇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

History II - Poland (3/21/10)

Not just amber
Not just Kielbasa
Not just Copernicus
Not just Chopin

From kingdom to republic
From republic back to kingdom
From kingdom back to republic
Territory expansion shrinkage segmentation

Protestant Reformation
French Revolution Bourbon Restoration
Russia Prussia Austrian Habsburg
Two World Wars and Fall of Berlin Wall

History is a mirror
History is miracle

History I - Religion (2/27/10)

New Testament Old Testament Koran Sutra
Jesus Paul Moses Muhammad Buddha
Christian Jewish Muslim Buddhism
Latin Hebrew Arabic Sanskrit
Orthodox Catholic Protestant

With hate we separate
With love we unite
With indifference we suffer
With confidence we prosper

History is religious
Religion is historical

作者:龟谷教皇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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