[原创]Poem: I Am Reborn (重生)
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海归论坛 -> 生活风情

#1: [原创]Poem: I Am Reborn (重生) (2092 reads) 作者: snakebaby来自: USA 文章时间: 2012-2-16 周四, 11:12
作者:snakebaby生活风情 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Under the shroud of the morning light
In a trail of baffling and fire
I opened my eyes
The moments of welling tears
Spilled the golden sunshine

In a thrust of longing for a real life
In an impulse of craving for a beautiful day
Suddenly I found my purpose
I found light and darkness
I distinguished good and evil

I sensed my destiny
I discovered my destination
I smelled the meaning of my life
All in the blink of an eye

Yes, I am reborn!

A pleasant surprise that came after the darkest days
I was reborn through lights and flames
Through smiles and tears
I rose, after I didn't fall
And I rose with renewed radiance

I once thought that special kind of love was everything
But how wrong have I been!
I have learned a lot from the crazy path
I can see better via my own heart searching

Love encompasses many kinds
I am fortunate to have possessed most of them
Wisdom has come from the ones who truly care
Guidance from those who care has made me better
And for that I am eternally grateful

Don't expect me to hate anyone
It was myself willingly to be bitten to bleed
In the pits of despair
I waited until the moment of hope
Sunshine and moonlight shall make me brightly forgetful

Despite everything, I will keep going
My spirit was tempered and only grew stronger
Now I feel I can fly freely once again
Be everything I always wanted to be
And I will let nothing to bring me down!

*I don't really know how to write poems, this was my very first and the only one ever written in my entire life, either in Chinese or English. Consider it copyrighted, please do not re-distribute it without my consent. Thank you!

P.S. 没有听过我歌声的朋友欢迎去听我最新的录制: 別れの予感. Thanks for watching!

作者:snakebaby生活风情 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由snakebaby于2012-2-26 周日, 23:59修改,总共修改了11次

海归论坛 -> 生活风情

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