三谷最新消息: 反Bart罢工的Steve Glazer也支持Catharine Baker!!
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#1: 三谷最新消息: 反Bart罢工的Steve Glazer也支持Catharine Baker!! (2563 reads) 作者: firefly 文章时间: 2014-10-17 周五, 04:00
作者:firefly生活风情 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


Steve Glazer
Yesterday at 10:16am ·

My Thoughts on the Baker/Sbranti Race

Last month, I wrote a letter to Assembly District candidates Catharine Baker and Tim Sbranti responding to their request to have me endorse their candidacy. I asked them to share their thoughts on important issues facing our community in an open and transparent way. A copy of my original note can be found on an earlier Facebook post.

My questions focused on the need to curtail hyper-partisanship in the Legislature; inject greater fiscal responsibility in legislative decisions; champion public education and the environment; maintain independence from powerful special interests; and establish a standard for transparency in candidate promises.

Disappointingly, after receiving my questions and after numerous follow up e-mails, Tim Sbranti refused to respond. I did receive answers from Catharine Baker, which she posted on her public campaign website.

Below are Baker’s responses along with my thoughts about the candidates’ positions. I know it may seem that I am evaluating Sbranti harshly as he is a member of my political party. First, he refused to provide public answers to reasonable questions. Second, blind allegiance to any political party continues to get in the way of progress on many important issues. I have to be willing to call it as I see it, or I am playing the same partisan game that has caused legislative gridlock.

I encourage you to share this information with fellow voters so you can make an informed judgment in the general election.
Voting and citizen engagement in public affairs are the glue of our Democracy. We should never take it for granted. Please vote.

Reducing Special Interest Power

What steps will you support to restrict the power of special interests? Do you support a ban on fundraising during the final 60 days of the legislative year?

Baker: “I’ll fight to give real teeth to ethics rules and campaign finance reform (including bans on fundraising while the Legislature is in session), and support expelling corrupt politicians from the Legislature and prohibiting them from remaining on the taxpayer payroll.”

Sbranti: Refused to answer

My Thoughts: Sbranti‘s inability to support needed political reforms is deeply troubling. Baker’s stated commitment to curtailing the power of special interests is a clear difference.

Will you immediately post on your website your answers to candidate questionnaires as well as any other commitments you have made on public policy matters?

Baker: I have “rejected the special interest game of filling out secret written questionnaires and pledges for special interest groups in exchange for their endorsements and money.” She has published the answers to all candidate questionnaires on her webpage.

Sbranti: He refused to answer the question and does not post his answers to special interest questionnaires on his website.

My Thoughts: These secret questionnaires are corrosive to our Democracy. Sbranti is unwilling to disclose his promises to special interests. If you won’t be honest and transparent with voters during the campaign, why would we expect different behavior as an Assembly Member. Baker has been transparent and fully discloses any questionnaire answers.

Transit Strikes

Would you support a ban on public transit strikes, similar to bans in New York, Chicago, Washington D.C. and San Francisco?

Baker: I “support closing the loophole in state law that allows future BART strikes.”

Sbranti: Refused to Answer. The Transit Union has publicly praised him for his support of their right to strike.

My Thoughts: There are five BART stations in this Assembly District and tens of thousands of residents were seriously affected by the strike, freeway gridlock and tons of air pollution from the extra cars on the road. Strike bans are common throughout the United States because transit is an essential service. Their positions could not be more clear: Baker would ban future BART strikes and Sbranti would not.


What steps should the Legislature take to ensure that the state has a balanced budget, including meeting the existing debt/projected shortfall on pension and post-retirement healthcare obligations?

Baker: “There are about 3,000 public employee pension funds in California, and they are under funded $275 billion to $340 billion. Without pension reform that debt will suffocate our children’s future prosperity. We need bi-partisan pension reform so pensions are sustainable and actually there for those to whom they were promised. I strongly support bi-partisan pension reforms, including those proposed by Democrat Mayor Chuck Reed of San Jose, as well as other pension reform measures.”

Sbranti: Refused to Answer

My Thoughts: Financial responsibility is the underpinning of responsible government. Under-funded pension programs are a drain on city and state budgets. Baker states clearly that pension plans must be sustainable or important government services for our children will suffer. Sbranti’s silence on pension reform, suggest he supports the same bankrupt policies that are leading local and state government into financial hardship.

Improving Schools

What policy proposals do you support to improve our schools? In the event of layoffs, should teacher seniority or performance be the standard?

Baker: “I’m “determined to bring about reforms that go beyond simply spending more on the status quo — reforms that reward good teachers; moderate the role of seniority in our most important decisions affecting teachers and end seniority-ba<x>sed lay-offs; reform our outdated teacher tenure system and provide career-long professional development for teachers; give meaningful opportunities for parental input in decisions affecting our children; provide more mentoring and professional development for principals; and support more innovative teaching options. I am also the only candidate in this race who supports ending the outdated practices that were recently found unconstitutional by a state judge in Vergara vs. California because those practices deprive students of equal access to a quality education. I also strongly support parent choice in our public schools and support charter schools.”

Sbranti: Refused to Answer. As a state leader of the Teacher’s union, he has defended seniority rules.

My Thoughts: The decision on layoffs should be ba<x>sed on what is best for students. In the recent Vergara vs. California ruling, the judge said that “both students and teachers are unfairly, unnecessarily, and for no legally cognizable reason, disadvantaged by the current Permanent Employment Statute.’’
Baker says that the well-being of students should come before teacher seniority. Sbranti defends the position of the Teachers Union against a merit ba<x>sed system.

Examples of Political Courage

Political courage is demonstrated when there is a political price to be paid for the courageous act. Please list three times when you followed your beliefs, knowing it could cost you support for your candidacy.

Baker: Supports Democrat Mayor Chuck Reed’s Pension Reform measure. She has also refused to fill out secret questions by special interests costing her endorsements and financial support. She supports reforms to the teacher tenure system, placing merit above seniority, making her the number one enemy of the Teacher’s union.

Sbranti: Refused to Answer

My Thoughts: An Assembly Member should represent the needs of the people in their district, not the political desires of special interests or political parties. Baker has taken important steps forward to break down legislative polarization. Sbranti seems to represents the dysfunctional status quo.

作者:firefly生活风情 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由firefly于2014-10-17 周五, 04:03修改,总共修改了1次

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