[原创]普克(POKER GAME)名称与玩法简介---98提上答班主草兄
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#1: [原创]普克(POKER GAME)名称与玩法简介---98提上答班主草兄 (1443 reads) 作者: 四大寇来自: shenzhen 文章时间: 2006-9-14 周四, 15:26
作者:四大寇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

普克---POKER GAME是通称,代表一套定牌大小规则相同的玩法。以麻将为例,称用一副麻将牌(POKER 为纸牌)进行的各种游戏,简称(打)麻将。

普克其中的具体玩法(如广东麻将[玩法],台湾麻将[玩法])有十余种,包括TEXAS HOLD‘EM,5 CARD STUD,7 CARD STUD, OMAHA,等等。WORLD SERIES OF POKER(WSOP)世界普克系列赛之“系列”即指赛期内,要依次打完所有上列的玩法,才决出总胜负,即总冠军。上列每一玩法,在比赛中,称为EVENT(赛事?)。



1,TEXAS HLOD‘EM 也写为HOLD’EM。暂无贴切中文译名。以往有叫“德州扑克”或“德州梭哈”。实际玩时和比赛中,细分为有限的与无限的两种,LIMITED HOLD‘EM AND NO LIMIT HOLD’EM, 有限的每手下注有定额。无限的,下注时,最大可就自已桌子上的所有筹码一次下完。本玩法去掉两张王牌(JOKERS)。

Texas Hold 'Em
Texas Hold 'Em is a seven card poker game with simple rules that a beginner can easily learn and begin to play immediately. In spite of the simplicity, it is a fast and complex game that takes skill and practice to master. No wonder it has become one of the most popular forms of poker played today.

Texas Hold 'Em uses a disc called a dealer button to indicate where the cards are to be dealt. Prior to the deal, the two players to the left of the button place live bets called the small and large blinds. It's called blind because it's made prior to seeing any cards. It's called live because it counts as part of any further bets in the first betting round.

The play begins with two cards dealt face-down to each player. Action starts with a betting round beginning with the player to the left of the blind bets and continuing clockwise around the table. Players may bet, check, raise, or fold in turn. The large blind has the privilege of last action and may check or raise the bet.

Three community cards are then dealt face up in the center of the table and another betting round takes place beginning with the player to the left of the dealer button. Another card is dealt face up followed by a round of betting. The fifth and last card is dealt face up and a final round of betting takes place.

Players remaining in the hand will then show their cards and the winning poker hand will be awarded the pot. Any combination of hole cards and community cards may be used to make the best five-card poker hand.

2,5 CARD STUD,即中文所谓梭哈,大部分香港电影上表现的主要是这种GAME。该玩法去掉王牌JOKERS和所有2-6的小牌。过程变化大,极为紧张,有助于制造气氛,这也是电影导演喜用本题材的原因。DEALER先发出两张CARDS,ONE UP AND ONE DOWN,即一明一暗。以后每发张牌,就轮番下注,最后,按HAND RANKING即各人牌阶大小定胜负。

Five-Card Stud
All players place a small wager known as an 'ante'. The dealer then deals each player two cards, one dealt face down, known as the 'hole' card and the other face up.

The player with the lowest ranking up-card must place the opening bet.

Each player to the left of the player making the opening bet must in turn either call the opening bet, raise it or fold.

When this round is complete each player is then dealt another card face up followed by a round of betting. This continues until all players have fice cards, one face down and four face up or until only one player remains.

From the third card onwards, the betting is started by the highest poker hand showing.

All players have five cards in their hand, one down and four up.

If there is a showdown, players show all five cards. The winning hand is the highest ranking five card poker hand.

开始玩5 CARD STUD时,我也不解,何以此种玩法叫“梭哈”?。因为“梭哈”一名的来由其实十分可笑,是DEALER(荷官?)在全部发牌与下注ACTIONS完成,本局终结时,发出的开牌口令之音译“SHOW HAND”,即(大家)亮(出你们的)牌!,以便确定各人牌的真实大小。每局终了,必听此一喊。

据我观察与推测,5 CARD STUD因其玩法激烈,在普克的所有玩法中,颇对中国人的胃口,所以中国人最喜欢玩这类,尤其以广东人为甚。早年广东人赴美的多是低层人群,英语差,老听DEALER叫“SHOW HAND”,即起中国名为“梭哈”。这从梭哈对“SHOW HAND”向广东音之偏离可以得证。

可笑之处在于,所有的普克GAME,在ACTION结束之后,DEALER都要喊这句,并不限于 5CARD STUD,所以,这是我认为此名来自广东洋插队民工的佐证。也是此名把大家搞糊涂的。

3,7CARD STUD 有人为与上区别,叫“7张梭哈”。玩法类同上。上面的“德州梭哈”也是按这个意思起的名。

Seven-Card Stud
Seven-Card Stud is easy for beginners to learn, yet challenging enough to hold the interest of seasoned players. In Seven-Card Stud, each player receives two cards face down and one card face up. The player with the low card opens the betting. Each player in turn must call, raise, or fold. On all subsequent rounds, the player with the best hand open the betting.

Each player is then dealt 3 cards face up with a betting round following each card.

The last card dealt to each remaining player is face down with the final betting round following.

Players remaining in the hand will then show their hands and the winning poker hand will be awarded the pot. Suits are not used in determining the winning hand, and tied hands will split the pot.

4, OMAHA 有中文直称为“奥马哈”,中国人少玩。

Omaha is a form of Hold 'Em that brings a few variables to the table. First you'll receive four cards face down prior to the flop and you must use two cards from your hand combined with three cards from the board to form your best five-card poker hand. Throw in the 8 or better hi/lo variable and you've got a challenge for poker players at all levels.

Omaha is a nine-card poker game that uses a dealer button and blinds as in Texas Hold 'Em. The play begins with four cards dealt face down to each player. Action starts with the first player to the left of the blinds beginning the betting. Players may bet, check, raise, or fold in turn.

Community cards are then dealt face up in the center of the table in the same manner as in Texas Hold 'Em with betting after each round.

After the final betting round, the players remaining in the hand will then show all their cards. To qualify for a winning low hand, a player must have five cards of 8 or lower with no pair using two from their hand and three from the board. Straights or flushes may be used for the low hand if all the cards are 8 or below.

If there is a qualifying low hand, it splits the pot with the winning high hand. Other wise, the high hand takes the entire pot.

Remember, you must use two cards from your hand and three from the board to make the best five-card poker hand.

5,Omaha Hi/Lo 大小奥马哈

As in any dealer-button game, a random draw will determine the position to start with the button.

Two blinds will be posted to the left of the button. The small blind will be equal to one-half the small bet, the big blind will equal the small bet.

Both blinds are live and may raise the pot.

In the showdown, the player must use two cards from his hand and three from the board exactly. Player may use different cards for high and low.

In order for there to be a low, there must be a combination of two cards from the players hand and three from the board with a denomination of eight or smaller. Ace is low for this purpose. If there is no low, high will get the entire pot.

A wheel (A-2-3-4-5) is the best possible low and neither straights nor flushes count against you for low.

If a player misses his blind or blinds, he may wait until the big blind to post to come back in. Otherwise, he must post the missed blinds. Only the big blind is live.

A player who has posted the blind who is not present to act on his hand will have his hand killed and will not get his blind back.

Winning called hand must show all four cards to be awarded any part of the pot.

In the event of ties, the pot will be split.

Odd chip will go left of the button on both high and low pot odd chip.

作者:四大寇海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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