[影片]Old habits die hard! -- Alfie, u should see it.
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#1: [影片]Old habits die hard! -- Alfie, u should see it. (2139 reads) 作者: Sandy_Rose 文章时间: 2006-9-19 周二, 16:18
作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

The 2004 movie Alfie is not exactly a classic of all time. But the movie of the same title was shot back in 1966.

Jude Law was Alfie this time. and I believe many LM in 98 would want a life like Alfie's… you know: He sleeps around with pretty girls, but just before they want more than he can offer, he disappears from them. no responsibility afterwards whatsoever. Plus, he has a stylish way of living.

Alfie Elkins is a limo chauffer, and use his own words he is an English pantie peeler. He has a good sense of fashion, humor, and is very smart looking (Jude Law). – as handsome as LVB, almost Laughing

Alfie's Perfume advice: nothing about the neck. Though you can put a splash on the big Ben. You never know where the day will take you. – reminds me of 野猫, who enjoys perfumes of different brands。

Alfie's theory1: girls: for us boys, it’s all about F B B. face, boobs, bum.
-- 卜鹰: 我一般看MM物理性指标很少先看脸。


Theory 2, when it comes to shagging birds, it all comes to one thing: location, location, location!
—CQ_xiaolang, go to shanghai!!! 南京,苏州,杭州,上海各去过不下5-10回.

Theory3, each woman is different, special, and unique, like snowflakes.
-- I at a certain point said this myself!

After sleeping with all the pretty women, Alfie always goes back to his special girl Julie, treating her like a Holiday Inn, whenever he needs a hot bath, nice dinner and a long sleep, he goes to Julie. Less did she know, for Alfie, he has his theory 4: it doesn’t do to become dependent on any body in this life. Change your nature, you are a dead man.

— Somehow, this reminds me of Fun_LA, slept with as many as possible, but always going back to his wife.

Julie later found Alfie’s fling’s red panties in her garbage. And there goes alfie’s special girl. He lost his holiday inn.

Alfie’s friends: Marlon and his girl friend Lynette.

Alfie fooled around with Lynette and made her pregnant. It all started with a little innocent flirting…(I guess we all experienced that: When you want to do something really bad, but you know it’s wrong, even lying to oneself comes easily.)

– I know someone here in 98 did this as in innocent mistake. of course he realized that he shouldn't have done that. so the name will not be revealed to protect his ID in 98. 

Theory 5, whenever you meet a beautiful woman, somewhere there is a bloke who is sick of shagging her. This one: good for all LM who 吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸的。But it is probably very true. And the same is applicable to men too.  

Later on, Alfie met 50 something year old Susan Sarandon. And she is stylish, rich, charming, sexy, and well preserved for her age. So he started to think he is perhaps selling himself short: so he made his new year’s resolution: aim higher! So he kicked her that time gf --Nikki out.

Just before he wants to go serious with Susan, he found that she has a new fling. Angry, ashamed, jealous, he yelled at her: now here is the best part of the movie!!!

Alfie asked Susan: what’s he got better than me?!

Susan replies: HE IS YOUNGER THAN YOU!

(Totally out of expectation, totally surprised me.) Uncle Zhong, if the gender is changed, this one might fit you. But since it is a woman talking about YOUNGER IS BETTER,it might be a refreshing thought for u.

In every doomed relationship, there comes what I like to call "The uh-oh moment". When a certain little something happens, and you know you've just witnessed the beginning of the end. And suddenly you stop and you think, "Uh-oh, iceberg ahead".
– Dear lord, I see the iceberg all the time. Sometimes, after a month, sometimes, after a year, sometimes, after a couple of dates! I bet everyone here has seen the iceberg!

Strange. But even when you know it has to end, when it finally does, you always get that inevitable twinge: Have I done the right thing?
– and then u list all the good things about this person u r breaking up with, and then, the bad things. The bad things always win out.

Alfie’s last monologue, for all the 98 LMs:

What have I got?
Some money in my pocket, some nice threads, fancy car at my disposal, and I'm single.
Yeah... unattached, free as a bird...
I don't depend on nobody and nobody depends on me...
My life's my own.
But I don't have peace of mind.
And if you don't have that, you've got nothing.
So... what's the answer?
That's what I keep asking myself.
What's it all about?
You know what I mean…?






作者:Sandy_Rose海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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