[转帖]from average readers...中国官员 your inaction is hurting
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#1: [转帖]from average readers...中国官员 your inaction is hurting (842 reads) 作者: parisparis 文章时间: 2007-6-27 周三, 04:56
作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

not only Chinese and American consumers, but also free trade between these two nations...

Is ‘Made in China’ a Warning Label? (7 Letters)

from NYtimes.com

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Published: June 23, 2007
To the Editor:

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As More Toys Are Recalled, Trail Ends in China (June 19, 2007)
Economix: A Lesson That Thomas Could Teach (June 20, 2007) Re “As More Toys Are Recalled, the Trail Ends in China” (front page, June 19):

Given that production of exported goods from China is seemingly driven by greed and that the regulation of imports from China is dangerously lax, let’s not wait for hundreds or thousands of poisoned Americans (and pets) to force a revision of consumer safety laws governing imported products.

Congress should pass legislation that requires a prominent warning label when any product sold in the United States is manufactured in or contains ingredients obtained from China. American consumers could then purchase or pass, knowing that there might be a potential health risk involved with the product.

The loss of billions of dollars would serve as an effective wake-up call to Chinese exporters and American importers to clean up their appalling business practices. Pietro Allar
New York, June 19, 2007

To the Editor:

As the dangers surrounding some Chinese imports are revealed, where is the concern for the young Chinese people who work with these products on a daily basis?

The photographs accompanying your June 19 article about the lead paint used on Thomas & Friends toy trains included one of two young people touching up toys. What about their exposure to lead paint?

As American consumers, we have the responsibility to consider the ways in which our desire for large quantities of cheaply made toys affects the health and safety of all young people, not just our own children. And American corporations hungry for cheap labor and high profit margins need to revisit their business ethics (or lack thereof).

Of course, keeping our children safe from lead and other toxic materials is vitally important. My 3-year-old daughter has one of the Thomas & Friends trains in her toy box. I will solve the lead paint problem in her life by tossing it in the garbage. Unfortunately, getting the lead out of the lives of the young people shown in the photographs won’t be as easy. Lyz Bly

Cleveland, June 19, 2007

To the Editor:

Your headline notes that the “trail ends in China,” but it begins in the boardrooms of corporate America, which has sacrificed ethical behavior on the altar of maximum profits.

Consequently, American citizens are not only losing the jobs that have been shipped to less expensive Chinese workers, but we also have no assurance of receiving a safe, quality product. Carol A. Popp

Westland, Mich., June 19, 2007

To the Editor:

You report that recently recalled products made in China include toys with lead paint, fake eyeballs filled with kerosene and baby rattles that are a choking hazard. You also note the tainted pet food and poisoned pharmaceuticals and toothpaste. Who knows what we’ll hear about next?

Three cheers for free trade and that wonderful global economy! Who needs regulation to get in the way of doing business? Joseph Schulte

Nanuet, N.Y., June 19, 2007

To the Editor:

China is sending unsafe toys to the United States and Canada. In Canada, Chinese-manufactured contaminated toothpaste with a counterfeit “Colgate” label has been found on the shelves in a number of stores.

It is now time to inform China that if one more unacceptable item arrives on our shores, all imports from China will be refused. Make the Chinese government take responsibility for all exports from its country.

Brian J. McNally

Ottawa, June 19, 2007

To the Editor:

We question why you stress the fact that most recalled toys are made in China. Since, as you note, about 80 percent of all toys are made in China, it follows that most recalled toys would be made there, too.

We also question your use of toy safety in the United States to dramatize a broader, unrelated story about outsourcing to China and Chinese counterfeit products. This needlessly alarms parents about an entire industry instead of focusing on recently recalled products.

The American toy industry objects to being drawn into this larger battle. Toys sold here are the safest in the world, and the standards and testing procedures used are extensive, effective and widely emulated by other countries. The federal Consumer Product Safety Commission regularly lists toys as among the safest products it monitors.

Mistakes do occur. They are usually caught and corrected quickly. Voluntary product recalls do not represent failure, but instead demonstrate the success of the last stage of our toy safety system. Ours is a system that works. Carter Keithley


Toy Industry Association

New York, June 21, 2007

To the Editor:

Re “A Lesson That Thomas Could Teach,” by David Leonhardt (Economix column, June 20):

Ensuring the safety of imported toys is simple: Require that all toys, imported or domestic, pass a safety review against federal safety standards and certification by an independent organization before they can be exhibited for sale at the major wholesale toy fairs in this country.

Manufacturers would be required to pay for the testing and certification. Precertification would ensure that manufacturers understand and are in compliance with the standards.

Random testing of retail products actually sold in the United States, with severe penalties for failure to meet the standards, would ensure that the final delivered goods are the same as those exhibited and sold at the fairs. William L. Imhof

Red Bank, N.J., June 20, 2007

作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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