[感慨]买了个iPOD Shuffle,QuickTime Player Basic Version不允许盗版下载歌了!
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#1: [感慨]买了个iPOD Shuffle,QuickTime Player Basic Version不允许盗版下载歌了! (1479 reads) 作者: oceantide 文章时间: 2007-8-22 周三, 12:48
作者:oceantide海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


I bought an iPOD Shuffle.

It is going to be another piece of tool which will occupy my ears once in a while. I wish I haven't bought it because I only have two ears, there isn't going to be another pair left for something else.

In order to use iPOD, I have to download iTunes.
iTunes uses QuickTime Pla<x>yer from Apple.
QuickTime Pla<x>yer Basic Version makes the option of illegal downloading music from internet disabled.
I can no longer right click on my mouse, and do Save Targe As.

I am pretty sure software supporting illegal downloads is all over the internet.

I can't help think about:
Baidu has the built in functionality of searching MP3 sources of popular songs and make illegal downloads a few clicks of mouse away, so easy.

I can't help think about:
Chinese original brand DVD pla<x>yer can play all kinds of pirated DVDs, a few clicks of button away, so easy.

Apple as an inventor, manufacture builds the philosophy of no pirating into its products comparing to Chinese inventors, manufactures built the philosophy of "the more pirating the better, people will prefer our product and we will be the winner of this piece of market" into their products.

In the end, everyone in this grand market gains or takes the consequences of itself and others. As a result of this, the grand market wins or loses.

作者:oceantide海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由oceantide于2007-8-23 周四, 01:02修改,总共修改了1次

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