Don't hate me , because I am smart and beautiful!
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#1: Don't hate me , because I am smart and beautiful! (3516 reads) 作者: 阿修罗来自: Venus 文章时间: 2007-9-19 周三, 03:32
作者:阿修罗海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】

Last week, I had an impeccable interview with an engagement manager for requiring to participate the project with General Electrical in P.R.China.

During the our conversation, I demonstrated that throughout academic and professional career, I had adhered to the highest standards of excellence and have demonstrated successful team leadership, strong communication skills, analytical ability, creativity, and dedication. In addition, my Chinese heritage, background, and experience would be a valuable asset for this offshoring project in China. Through the interview, he "WOW" three times about my credentials and insights.....

The outcome is what? He turned my application down. I was astonished and even the colleagues . I recalled all Q&A to my gurus and them draw a same conclusion : He definitely felt intimidated and he was green with envy. For him, you aren't harmless anymore.

Gosh! Suddenly I have a mixed feeling. As a consultant, you must be confident and competent. Otherwise you can't deal with these C-suit persons. In front of this similar age Caucasian guy, I shined myself and thought he would pick up the best of best candidates. The truth wakes me up: he picked the mediocre and "harmless" candidates. The experience definitely teach me something I haven't figure it out yet. Something isn't sunny.

What I want to say is " Don't hate me , because I am smart and beautiful!"

作者:阿修罗海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】

上一次由阿修罗于2007-9-19 周三, 03:43修改,总共修改了1次

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