Baby hatch deaths spark Germany debate
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#1: Baby hatch deaths spark Germany debate (1645 reads) 作者: 山东斯汀来自: 某国驻华使馆 文章时间: 2008-2-01 周五, 22:58
作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】

2月1日听写作业Baby hatch deaths spark Germany debate - 30 Jan 07 播放 下载

a lovely cute kids for new born baby Croloard is 8 days old and thriving.but not every child is so lucky.AT this hopistal in berlin there is one of 4 baby hatchers dotted around the city.31 babies have been left in them since they were introduced in 2001.


there are 76 similar hatchers fitted with alarm aross germany,in response to a series of cases ,where children were abandoned and found dead from exposure .when the singal sounds,hopspital staff move into action.

****喆昕(51082319) 22:06:53
this things are the baby hatcher, it's warm here,this is a normal bed for a new born. see the camera here, which again watches the scenery here, only anot the area in front of the baby hatcher

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管理简介:斯汀(网名,笔名,英文名),1972年出生,籍贯山东,目前在北京工作:做过翻译,擅长写作,酷爱摄影,常愿游行洒落,遍看锦绣河山.著有网络长篇记实小说《两个老外来中国征婚的真实经历》;中篇记实小说《我给一个美国富婆做翻译》<一个乌克兰黑手党在北京的三天>等.我创建的高级英语QQ群16725034和32149507.个人网站 欢迎英语高手的加盟.

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】

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