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主题: [BRAVO!]骆家辉的 I have“one mile” VS 路德金的 “I have a dream”
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作者 [BRAVO!]骆家辉的 I have“one mile” VS 路德金的 “I have a dream”   
The Fifth Season

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文章标题: [BRAVO!]骆家辉的 I have“one mile” VS 路德金的 “I have a dream” (2310 reads)      时间: 2009-2-26 周四, 15:33   

作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


“When I was first sworn in as governor of the great state of Washington, I told the story of how, a hundred years ago, my grandfather came from China as a teenager and worked for a family as a houseboy in exchange for English lessons -- just one mile from the Governor's Mansion. It took our family 100 years to move that one mile, a journey possible only in America.”

For his part, Locke, who now has to be confirmed by the Senate, spoke movingly about his own journey.

至理名言听到多了,就会有听觉疲劳!反正我是独自轻巧地笑出了声音,没有人看见! 未等看客们的屠刀举起,喝彩声落地,旋即转念一想:国人崇尚“宁为鸡头,不可牛尾!”所以迄今看到的都是白花花的鸡翅膀,在政治上远没有黑人们的团结!

同时,小奥的商务部长又多难产,第一任提名因为李文和在华人世界被诟病。前不久到底有多少华人亲力恭行E-mail petition?

而众人听多了的路德金名言“ I have a dream -- " 前几年也被slit-eye毛头小伙子篡改成负有现实意义的"I have an itch !" 当时被搞政治上瘾的黑人民权运动家当头条着实喧哗了一阵,同时在Affirmative action深受其害的老白们,又不失余力地在背后热闹地推波助澜了一阵!黑的,黄的,白的,当时真的很热闹!

话说回来,骆家辉的当任,又让华人在美国最高当政的希望提高到了新的一个阶段。不要笑话,万一当了总统,他的“It took our family 100 years to move that one mile” 的至理名言也就是鼎鼎有名的一句“金”言,不知道还有谁人敢轻视!


BRAVO! 如此盛世,数风流人物还看今朝!

“ --- He will work to increase U.S. competitiveness across the globe, and will work to get U.S. goods and services into markets like China and India. ---”

“--- I am particularly pleased that President Obama has chosen someone with a great understanding of the needs of the Pacific Northwest to head this agency. Gary will not face a learning curve on critically important issues like fisheries, the environment and international trade.-----”

“ --- As Governor of the most trade dependent state in the nation, Gary engaged leaders from Canada to Asia to open markets for American goods. ---”

“--- And especially in this time of economic uncertainty, Gary's experience in helping small and minority-owned businesses to grow and flourish is experience that will pay off for our entire country. ---”

Obama names Gary Locke Commerce secretary


updated 3:14 p.m. MT, Wed., Feb. 25, 2009

WASHINGTON. - President Barack Obama has named former Washington Gov. Gary Locke as his next secretary of the Department of Commerce.

Obama says Locke will be a trusted voice in his cabinet, an advocate for economic competitiveness and an ambassador for American industry.

Locke says he will use the Commerce Department to implement Obama's strategy to turn around the economy.

Story continues below ↓

Locke served two terms as governor from 1997 to 2005 and has since worked for a Seattle law firm on international trade issues. Locke will need to be confirmed by the Senate, which may bring up questions over campaign contributions in the 1990s.

Two other nominees for the Commerce job withdrew: New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson because of an investigation and Republican New Hampshire Sen. Judd Gregg because of policy disagreements.

The Commerce department oversees many aspects of international trade. It's also responsible for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the 2010 Census.

Locke is 59. He was born into a Chinese family and lived in a Seattle public housing project until he was 6. He graduated from Yale University and Boston University Law School.

He is married to Mona Lee Locke, a former television news reporter. They have three children.


Cantwell Statement on Governor Gary Locke's Nomination For Secretary of Commerce

Today, U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA) issued the following statement regarding the announcement that former Governor Gary Locke has been nominated by the Obama Administration as the Secretary of Commerce.

"As the country begins to tackle the tough challenges ahead of us, Governor Locke will bring years of experience and commitment to get our economy back on track and increase U.S. competitiveness. Growing up in an immigrant family in Seattle, he made the American Dream a reality when he became Governor of Washington. For years, he has made helping others realize their own dreams and has fought for those left behind in our communities. Governor Locke also knows first-hand just how important fisheries are to our country's economy, and will work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency to bring issues affecting our oceans to the forefront. He will work to increase U.S. competitiveness across the globe, and will work to get U.S. goods and services into markets like China and India. I am confident that Governor Locke will make investing in our country and getting our economy back on track a priority."

As Secretary of Commerce, Locke will be responsible for promoting economic growth, technological competitiveness, and sustainable development. The Commerce Department gathers economic and demographic data for business and government decision-making, issue patents and trademarks, and help sets industrial standards. The Department of Commerce oversees the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency.


Murray Statement on Locke Nomination to Head Commerce Department

Today, U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) released the following statement after President Obama nominated Gary Locke to be Commerce Secretary.

"I applaud President Obama's nomination of Gary Locke as Commerce Secretary. Those of us from Washington state know Gary's story and record of accomplishment well. In his over two decades of service to Washington state, Gary boosted business, created jobs and displayed the leadership needed to move our state and nation forward.

"I am particularly pleased that President Obama has chosen someone with a great understanding of the needs of the Pacific Northwest to head this agency. Gary will not face a learning curve on critically important issues like fisheries, the environment and international trade.

"As Governor of the most trade dependent state in the nation, Gary engaged leaders from Canada to Asia to open markets for American goods. He led our state during the tech boom and knows that our future economic strength will be heavily tied to innovation and technological advances. And especially in this time of economic uncertainty, Gary's experience in helping small and minority-owned businesses to grow and flourish is experience that will pay off for our entire country.

"I look forward to Gary's Senate confirmation and to continuing our work together for our state and nation."



作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由The Fifth Season于2009-3-27 周五, 05:41修改,总共修改了2次

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