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主题: 【竹篮子打水一场空】逢中必反"的佩洛西访华惊呆:中国现在不能惹了!Shift in approach
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作者 【竹篮子打水一场空】逢中必反"的佩洛西访华惊呆:中国现在不能惹了!Shift in approach   
The Fifth Season

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文章标题: 【竹篮子打水一场空】逢中必反"的佩洛西访华惊呆:中国现在不能惹了!Shift in approach (2443 reads)      时间: 2009-6-08 周一, 14:36   

作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com





  然而通过这次访华,佩洛西看到了一个快速崛起的中国,内心世界受到了很大的冲击,通过这次访问的亲眼所见,改变她一些过时的对华偏见,她从1991年到 2009年这两次访华的对比中感受到了中国翻天覆地的变化,也产生很大的心理震撼,这些从她在访问后的几次演讲中可以感受的到,相信通过这次访问的亲眼所见,会改变她一些过时的对华偏见,这对改善中美关系会产生实质性的建设性的影响。美国媒体在评论此次访问时说:"她的态度正从一个极端向政治光谱的中间地带转移,这对提升中美关系是件好事。"。




2,Pelosi denied perceptions that she had softened her stance on her recent trip by not speaking out publicly in China on human rights.

Updated Sunday, June 7, 2009 10:52 am TWN, By Shaun Tandon, AFP

Pelosi said she praised China's leadership in her meetings for lifting millions out of poverty, calling it a “remarkable” achievement.

“The problem I have is that — people say, 'Well, look at Taiwan, look at (South) Korea, different places' — economic reform leads to political reform,” she said.

“What I see in China is that economic reform is being used to suppress the political reform — 'You have a job, okay, I'm happy.' So it isn't the natural peaceful evolution, which they really never subscribed to,” she said.

WASHINGTON -- U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Friday that ----


3,Beijing protest honours Pelosi's visit.
AFP - Thursday, May 28BEIJING (AFP) - - At least 100 Chinese with grievances against their government staged a protest in honour of US congresswoman Nancy Pelosi in Beijing Wednesday, little more than a week before the Tiananmen anniversary.

The protesters, or petitioners, from all parts of China, gathered in front of the news office of the State Council, China's cabinet, passing out leaflets and scrawling graffiti on the office gates.

"Pelosi we warmly welcome you, Pelosi we love you," they wrote in red paint on the gate of the compound in central Beijing. "Human rights matter, down with corruption."

Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives and a vocal critic of China's rights record, is visiting China for meetings on the nation's climate change agenda.

The protests occurred as she held meetings Wednesday with China's top leaders, including President Hu Jintao, Prime Minister Wen Jiabao and parliamentary head Wu Bangguo.

Up to 50 uniformed police and an equal number of plainclothes officers quickly cordoned off the area around the gate of the news office, dispersing the crowd and scrambling to pick up their discarded leaflets.

These appeared to mostly detail the petitioners' personal complaints, typically about land and economic disputes, police brutality and medical malpractice.

The protest came a week ahead of the anniversary of the June 4 crushing of the Tiananmen democracy protests, when the military violently ended six weeks of peaceful protests, killing hundreds if not thousands of unarmed citizens.

Protesters said up to 1,000 petitioners, who had come to Beijing to urge the central government to address their complaints, had attended the demonstration, snarling traffic in front of the news office.

The number could not be independently confirmed.

By the time AFP journalists arrived, more than 100 protesters were seen lingering outside the police cordon.

Several were seen being taken away by police, with protesters saying up to 20 had been carted off in police vehicles.

"You can't take her away," one protester, Han Dongmei, shouted as police tried to load her wheelchair-bound 11-year-old daughter into a waiting police van.

A group of six policemen eventually picked up the screaming Han, her sobbing daughter and the wheelchair and loaded them into the van.

Han has petitioned the government since 2005, when doctors in western China's Xinjiang region mistakenly gave her daughter an injection for cerebral spinal meningitis, which paralysed the girl from the waist down.

"After all these years, the government has not been able to resolve our problem," Han said in her petition document which she gave AFP.

"Instead our rights have been violated, and because we have been seeking justice, we have become criminals in the eyes of some officials."

China's parliamentary head Wu recently ordered local authorities to stop petitioners from bringing their grievances to the central government in Beijing -- a centuries-old tradition -- and ordered such issues to be resolved locally.

But petitioners say they have only brought their cases to Beijing because local officials refuse to adequately resolve their complaints.

Pelosi's visit comes as President Barack Obama's administration appeared to relax rights demands on China in an effort to work with Beijing on matters such as the economic downturn and the nuclear-weapons issues surrounding North Korea and Iran.


4, Pelosi dodges human rights on China visit
Shift in approach matches Obama's emphasis on engagement with Beijing
updated 2:55 p.m. PT, Mon., May 25, 2009

SHANGHAI - U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, long a fierce critic of Beijing, toured China's financial capital on Monday on a visit focused on environmental issues rather than human rights, though her presence emboldened protesters.

Pelosi took a low-key approach as she prepared for meetings in Beijing just days ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 1989 crackdown on the Tiananmen Square democracy protests.

The apparent shift in her approach dovetails with President Barack Obama's new emphasis on engagement with Beijing, rather than confrontation over its human rights record. Visits by Pelosi and other senior U.S. figures have been aimed at highlighting cooperation between the two countries on a slew of issues.
Still, the leading Democratic lawmaker's reputation as a strong human rights defender galvanized petitioners in Beijing, where several hundreds gathered Monday morning near the capital's South Railway Station to air their grievances. Dozens of police stood guard and most protesters were kept at bay behind police lines.

While many complaints were about individual cases, photos posted on the Chinese-language Web site Boxun.com, a U.S.-hosted Web site banned in China, showed one group of demonstrators holding up a black-and-white cloth banner that said: "Welcome Pelosi. Pay close attention to human rights. SOS."

Ardent supporter of country's oppressed
Speaking to U.S. business figures Monday in Shanghai, Pelosi noted her commitment to human rights issues over the years.

During a 1991 visit to Beijing, the Democrat from California unfurled a banner that read "To those who died for democracy in China" in the square. Years later, she attempted to present human rights petitions to then-visiting President Hu Jintao. When Tibetans staged protests against Chinese rule last year, Pelosi visited their exiled spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama.

"I will continue to speak out for human rights in China and around the world," Pelosi told members of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

"Indeed, protecting the environment is a human rights issue," she said according to a copy of the speech distributed to journalists. "We hope to send a clear message that transparency, accountability, enforcement, and respect for the rule of law are essential if we are to protect our planet," she added.

Pelosi did speak out on North Korea's nuclear program after Pyongyang announced that it had successfully carried out an underground nuclear test, weeks after threatening to restart its rogue atomic program.

"If today's announcement is true, these tests would be a clear violation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1718, which requires that North Korea not conduct any further nuclear tests. Such action by North Korea is unacceptable and cause for great alarm," Pelosi said in a written statement.

Pelosi said she and other members of her delegation planned to urge Chinese leaders to use their influence to get the North to return to six-nation talks aimed at ending its nuclear program.

Climate change meetings
The lawmaker arrived over the weekend accompanied by a delegation of four Democrats and one Republican, all members of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. The main focus of their visit is on the shared goal of promoting clean energy and combatting climate change.

Pelosi met Monday with Shanghai Mayor Han Zheng. The two exchanged pleasantries but made no substantive remarks before reporters. The delegation will later meet in Beijing with President Hu Jintao and other leaders.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman and Democrat Sen. John Kerry is also in China, and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner will arrive next week. He is expected to reassure Beijing about the strength of the U.S. dollar and thus the value of China's vast holdings of U.S. Treasury notes.

More on: Nancy Pelosi | China


作者:The Fifth Season海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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