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主题: 上海之夜
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作者 上海之夜   

头衔: 海归中士

性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2010/01/15
文章: 23
来自: Car
海归分: 805

文章标题: 上海之夜 (1048 reads)      时间: 2010-1-15 周五, 14:35   

作者:只养万里马的伯乐海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Frontier Poetry

上海之夜 II (1/15/10)

上海之夜 II (2/15/09)







Musing in the City Highway (1/13/10)

On the road at night
Sometimes you know destination
But has no idea how to get there
Sometimes you know direction
But has no clue where is the end

On the road at night
Exploration is a lonely business
Innovation is a fickle game
Frontier might be in nowhere
Success could belong to nobody

On the road at night
All you see is green
You cannot slow down
You cannot fully stop
The only option is going forward

Identity (1/12/10)

When you left your hometown
For college in a different city
Your lost your first identity

When you left your home country
For graduate school in a different country
Your lost your second identity

When your landed your first job
To work for someone else
Your lost your thrid identity

When your quit your last job
To work for yourself
Your lost your fourth identity

Identity is just liek driver license
You have to renew it from time to time
Be a global citizen
Be a universal netizen

In God We Trust II - Anti-Intelligent Design Automation (1/11/10)

Hardware design can be automated
Software design can be automated
Firmware design can be automated
System design can be automated
What else cannot be automated
If it cannot be done manually

When intelligent design can be automated
It will be the end of world

In God We Trust I - There Is Something God Does Not Understand (1/10/10)

Far from Heaven Before Sunset on West of the Tracks
Underneath Half of a Yellow Sun with Oracular Spectacular
Walking across Line of Beauty Somewhere Towards the End
Reading An Inconvenient Truth from A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius
Experiencing the Golden Touch by Miracles of Life like the Fast Runner

When Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fading away
Like Sound of Silver descending into Chaos with a Life Backwards
All That You Can't Leave Behind is The Passion of the Christ
It is Neon Bible Turning on the Bright Lights with Fever to Tell
All That You Can Leave Behind is The Departed Dear Science Spirited Away

First Winter of Second Decade in New Millennium (1/8/10)

On The Snow Day In the The Age of Wonder
A Single Man at District 9 Of Time and the City
Watching Iceland and Ireland Lenders in The Silent Scream
Chasing The Fame Monster from Death Panel at Beer Summit
Parting with The Lovely Bones in The Hurt Locker
Reviving Manhood for Amateurs Strength in What Remains

Garage (1/7/10)

HP was started right in garage
Apple was started right in garage
Yahoo! was relocated from campus to garage
Google was relocated from campus to garage

Not just storage for heater
Not just storage for workbench
It is your idea lab
It is your dream fulfiller

Garage in garage out
Idea come idea go

Street Light (1/4/10)

Not as demanding as traffic light
Not as aggressive as head light
Not as alert as brake light
No as significant as moonlight

Summer Fall Winter Spring
Late night early moring
Silently serving you
Without bothering you

Relativity of Life (1/1/10)

Space can be readjusted
Weight can be reshaped
Energy can be recharged
Time cannot be redeemed

Memory can be erased
Dream can be painted
Reality cannot be faked

Source of Discovery (12/27 ~ 12/28/09)

Body is prison of soul
Suffering is consequence of pleasure
Dissatisfaction is result of comparison
Satisfaction is instant illusion
Ignorance is source of discovery

The Evening after Next (12/19/09)

Was such a fascinating evening
Waiters were waiting
Dinners were dinning
Singers were singing
Dancers were dancing

Will be a fantastic evening
Stars will be shinning
Wines will be pouring
Music will be floating
Dessert will be melting

World of Anti-antithesis (12/17/09)

New Deal is old deal
Old dea is New Deal

Only change is unchange
Only unchange is change

The left is right
The right is left

The world is flat
The world is wet

The world is green
The world is blue

Song of Life (12/16/09)

You cannot fast forward them
You cannot rewind them
You cannot record them
You cannot stop them
All you can do is just play them

Some of them are complicated
Some of them are straightforward
Some of them are hilarious
Some of them are tragic
Very few of them are poetic

Metropolitan Night (12/10/09)

Chilly green
Misty yellow
Dizzy red
Fuzzy white
Fluffy dark
Virtual wind
Real rain

Only radio knows
What you are listening
Only GPS knows
Where you are going

作者:只养万里马的伯乐海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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