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主题: [做人别太Google] 入乡随俗, 尊重所在地/所在国游戏规则, 哪里都是江湖, 学会适应环境
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作者 [做人别太Google] 入乡随俗, 尊重所在地/所在国游戏规则, 哪里都是江湖, 学会适应环境   

头衔: 海归上尉
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2010/01/14
文章: 129

海归分: 7646

文章标题: [做人别太Google] 入乡随俗, 尊重所在地/所在国游戏规则, 哪里都是江湖, 学会适应环境 (1478 reads)      时间: 2010-1-27 周三, 21:52   

作者:波澜不惊海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Second Coming (1/25/10)

Since your last departure
You are not the same you
I am not the same me
I know you will be back
But not sure when where and how

Time runs non-stopping
Missed your first coming
Do not want to miss second coming
Whether before the end of the world
Or after the end of the world

Come is go, go is come
Left is right, right is left

Google Is Gone (1/15/10)

Business is politics
Politics is business
Cloud computing turns cloudy
Virtual computing gets virtual

Search is not rocket science
People come and go
Sun rises and falls
Life is still going on

Musing in the City Highway (1/13/10)

On the road at night
Sometimes you know destination
But has no idea how to get there
Sometimes you know direction
But has no clue where is the end

On the road at night
Exploration is a lonely business
Innovation is a fickle game
Frontier might be in nowhere
Success could belong to nobody

On the road at night
All you see is green
You cannot slow down
You cannot fully stop
The only option is going forward

Identity (1/12/10)

When you left your hometown
For college in a different city
Your lost your first identity

When you left your home country
For graduate school in a different country
Your lost your second identity

When your landed your first job
To work for someone else
Your lost your thrid identity

When your quit your last job
To work for yourself
Your lost your fourth identity

Identity is just liek driver license
You have to renew it from time to time
Be a global citizen
Be a universal netizen

作者:波澜不惊海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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zt中国的人再有钱都很可怜, 大城市生存环境太差,中国的生活质量和欧洲差的... 海归主坛 2009-12-29 周二, 10:53
[灌水]人和水土等环境的关系,就和动物和水土等环境的关系1样,太太太密切啦! 海归酒吧 2008-5-25 周日, 17:48
瑞典进得第2个球也太扯淡了吧,直接扔进去了。就知道得打平,都是老乡。 海归茶馆 2006-6-21 周三, 04:57
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关于共同打造吕家太行艺术民俗村的合作!!! 海归商务 2016-5-16 周一, 15:50

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