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主题: 【在美国做生意不容易】三年资产120万元
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作者 【在美国做生意不容易】三年资产120万元   
The Fifth Season

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文章标题: 【在美国做生意不容易】三年资产120万元 (2700 reads)      时间: 2010-12-03 周五, 07:21   

作者:The Fifth Season海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


两名维吉尼亚州里奇蒙(Richmond)经营海鲜货运批发业的一对男女华裔老板,日前因涉雇用和窝藏非法移民而被当地联邦法院判刑18个月,缓刑两或三年,另加没收资产120万元。负责该案调查的联邦移民与海关执法局(ICE)官员就该案表示,「ICE正积极地开展打击雇主违反移民法和雇用非法劳动力的行动,那些依靠非法移民获取利润的商业模式,将被严厉地追究责任」。 ,~)UvF{
根据当局透露资料,被定罪的分别是44岁的男性业者王宝平(Bao Ping Wang,姓名皆音译),以及现年45岁,又名Tammy的女性业者卢庄(Trang "Tammy" Lu),两人被联邦控告多项雇用和藏匿非法移民重罪,同时被认定,他们是在知情状况下,参与包庇非法移民的经营体系。王宝平最终就一项窝藏非法移民指控,卢庄就一项包庇重罪指控分别认罪。 M=O5YD�Du
根据法庭文件,王宝平和卢庄在2006至2009年间,在里奇蒙经营一家名为Hi-Tech Trucking Inc.的海鲜货运公司,以及一家名为SeaLands Food的食品批发公司,主要供应美东大西洋沿岸地区的中餐业。法庭判定两人在经营期间曾雇用6至24名非法移民,期间他们还给工人提供住房和餐饮。他们的公司在里奇蒙至少有三栋员工宿舍。 /Q)K? mm
在两名老板认罪后,Hi-Tech Trucking Inc.协议向法庭充公122万元雇用非法劳工的收入,外加10万元的罚款。 *ftj-8i]l
王宝平还被私人罚款4000元,并在服刑完毕后,接受被递解出境的判罚。卢庄被私人罚款5000元,并向国安部官员承诺以后必须依法律规定,检查所有雇员是否有合法工作身分。 B;oJV)-m^


Business owners sentenced again for harboring illegal aliens

* illegal aliens
* Scott McCabe

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By: Scott McCabe 11/26/10 9:05 PM
Examiner Staff Writer
The owner of a Virginia trucking company that delivered seafood to Asian restaurants and markets has been sentenced to 18 months in prison for hiring and harboring illegal aliens.

Bao Ping Wang, 44, will be deported after serving his time in prison, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Manager Trang "Tammy" Lu, 45, was sentenced to two years probation for failing to report a felony.

"ICE aggressively targets employers who violate immigration laws by knowingly employing an unlawful work force," said D.C. ICE official John P. Torres. "Companies which profit through a business model that incorporates unlawful workers will be held accountable."

Prosecutors said the defendants' companies, Hi-Tech Trucking Inc. and SeaLands Food, employed between six and 24 illegal aliens at various times from 2006 through 2009. At least one of the illegal aliens had a criminal record.

According to the court record, Hi-Tech Trucking agreed to forfeit $1.2 million in illegal proceeds.

Wang and Lu provided housing and meals for the illegal alien employees at three "stash houses" in Richmond.

Early in the investigation, undercover officers posing as armored car guards found at least three bunk rooms in a warehouse and many of the Asian workers were in pajamas or appeared to have been sleeping.

According to court records, this is not the first time Wang and Lu have been charged with harboring illegal aliens.

In 2004, federal authorities began investigating the couple and their businesses for money laundering, narcotics trafficking and alien harboring in Baltimore, charging documents said.

In 2005, Wang and Lu pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit alien harboring and to induce aliens to live in the United States.

At least a dozen illegal aliens were employed at their businesses then, and federal authorities said several were identified again in the recent investigation and were wanted by ICE officials.

According to the charging documents, the current operation was a "near mirror" of the Maryland organization.

ICE officials could not be reached Thursday.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: https://washingtonexaminer.com/local/virginia/2010/11/business-owners-sentenced-again-harboring-illegal-aliens#ixzz16u6oa5Gf

作者:The Fifth Season海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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