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主题: [转帖]【利比亚反对派将领承认战败 班加西出现逃亡现象】16日利埃边境电:在反政府武装昨晚被迫放弃
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作者 [转帖]【利比亚反对派将领承认战败 班加西出现逃亡现象】16日利埃边境电:在反政府武装昨晚被迫放弃   

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文章标题: [转帖]【利比亚反对派将领承认战败 班加西出现逃亡现象】16日利埃边境电:在反政府武装昨晚被迫放弃 (2066 reads)      时间: 2011-3-16 周三, 12:39   

作者:emperorfan海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

邱永峥16日利埃边境电: 在反政府武装昨晚被迫放弃战略重艾季达比亚之后,班加西开始举城大逃亡。由于包括反政府军将领在内承认:“我们已经失去战争!”班加西城内的反政府武装不战自溃,许多班加西人星夜出逃,主要是逃向埃及边境的萨卢姆口岸。联合国难民署官员向本网记者证实,班加西人出逃是从昨天下午开始的,还只是1000人,但现在已经有车辆不断涌向埃利边境。联合国呼吁埃及开放边境让难民入境,而卡扎菲的部队应该会在今天进入班加西,因为艾季达比亚距离班加西不过160公里。本网记者多次前往前线,开车只需要1个多小时。

(CNN) -- The key Libyan city of Ajdabiya, the last major point between pro-government forces and the opposition stronghold of Benghazi, was slipping from the opposition's hands Tuesday, witnesses reported.

Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi fired artillery into Ajdabiya, and there were eyewitness reports of at least two airstrikes on the city. If Ajdabiya is retaken by pro-Gadhafi forces, it would give access to roads leading to the heart of the opposition's ba<x>se.

Opposition fighters in Ajdabiya returned fire with anti-aircraft weapons and rocket-propelled grenades, but eventually had to pull back their defense positions. Gadhafi's forces approached the city from the south and the west, witnesses said.

Heavy fighting has been continuing in Libya between government and rebel forces for the eastern town of Brega.

The oil town has changed hands several times over recent days. Reports now suggest the rebels are losing control.

In the west, government forces appear to have retaken Zuwara and are shelling Misrata city.

Meanwhile, Britain and France tabled a draft resolution at the UN Security Council that would ban all flights over Libya to prevent Tripoli's air attacks.

However, there is still a lot of opposition, and not only from the Russians and Chinese, which traditionally oppose military intervention, the BBC's Barbara Plett at the UN reports.

Germany too has said there are many unanswered questions, and the Americans have not declared their position, our correspondent says.

On Tuesday, Libyan government planes also bombed the outskirts of Ajdabiya, the last town before the rebel ba<x>se in Benghazi in the east.

The sound of rocket fire has been getting louder in the town, while the frequency of ambulances and trucks bringing wounded to the main hospital has been increasing, AFP news agency reports.

Libyan state TV says the government has gained control of the town, but this has not been independently verified, and reports suggest that fighting is continuing.

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi addressed his supporters in Tripoli, describing the rebels as "rats".
'Convoy attacked'

In Brega, it seems rebel fighters have been hiding inside the oil installation in the daytime, in the belief that the government does not want to shell the facility, says the BBC's Jon Leyne in Benghazi.

作者:emperorfan海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • [转帖]【利比亚反对派将领承认战败 班加西出现逃亡现象】16日利埃边境电:在反政府武装昨晚被迫放弃 -- emperorfan - (2661 Byte) 2011-3-16 周三, 12:39 (2066 reads)
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