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主题: 【歇业周记】自由的最高境界
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作者 【歇业周记】自由的最高境界   

头衔: 海归中尉
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2011/08/16
文章: 31
来自: 两岸四地
海归分: 5455

文章标题: 【歇业周记】自由的最高境界 (1913 reads)      时间: 2011-11-03 周四, 01:24   

作者:朕2.0海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

California Day (8/18/11)

Half Moon Bay
Mission Peak side
Let me open the gate
Put you on the highway

Water (8/16/2011)

You were raised by East Lake
You were discovered by Sky River

You will be pacified by Pacific Ocean
You will be treasured by Treasure Island

Whether you are in hell or in heaven
I will follow you follow you

Whether you are in victory or in fiasco
I will lead you lead you

Only you only you
Only you only you

Departure (7/17/11)

I am in my plane
You are in your train
I am in your dream
You are in my stream

Somewhere out there
We shall be in parallel
Sometime right time
We will be in Brazil

Journey (6/25/11)

No matter what reason
No matter what season
No matter what destination
No matter what mission
I will be back on a rainy night
I will depart on a sunny day

Spring Valley (5/29)

Hitting the end of West 237
Turning left at hill side
Parking in front of pro shop
Getting on golf cart it is tee time

There are blue skies
There are rippling rivers
There are wild gooses
There are mild squirrels

Every hole is a different hole
Every swing is a different swing
Be a successful player
In the heart of spring valley

Mechanical Life (5/24/11)

Mechanics is automatic
Automation is algorithmic
Algorithm is poetic
Poetry is exuberant
Life is dramatic
Drama is vibrant

Relationship (3/24/11)

One Night Stand is day trading
Live Together is short-term holding
Marriage is long-term investing

Take it easy
Don't be slave of money

Hard Lesson II (3/21/11)

To beat market is hard
To beat heart is even harder

To have market is hard
To dominate market is even harder

To enter is hard
To exit is even harder

To exit is hard
To exit gracefully is even harder

To learn lesson is hard
To give lesson is even harder

This is a world of winners take all
So be a winner instead of a loser

Blackout Tonight (3/20/11)

You steal my doll
I lose my soul
Wind will stall
Life shall prevail

Fun (3/9/11)

Valley is small Life is short
I just wanna have some fun
in such a wonderful moment
at such a wonderful spot
with such wonderful you

Mission Peak (2/27/11)

Finally get to the top
With Mountain Dew in hand
Listen to Radiohead
Ride with mild wind

Never lower your standard
Never raise your expectation
Always seek the best
Always embrace the fittest

Suddenly wake up Oh My God
With shining sun above head
Who will challenge such a hill
When living on top of mountain

Life 2.0 (2/11/11)

Used to eat three times a day
Now only once a day

Used to pass three highway exits for lunch
Now only drive three blocks for lunch

Used to read paperbacks
Now only listen to audio books

Used to watch some TV
Now only browse YouTube

Used to listen to In-car radios
Now only go Pandora with BlackBerry

Used to blog daily
Now only Twitter hourly

Used to shop at malls
Now only order online

Used to print out Yahoo! Maps in advance
Now guided by voice-activated GPS

But you still have to fill gas to go out
But you still have to go out to fill gas
Life becomes instant What else is constant

Confession of Digital Immigrant (2/7/11)

Cloud computing is present
Instead of future
Business virtualization is real
Instead of virtual
Cloud is not cloudy
Virtualization is not virtual

Get rid of fear
There is no uncertainty
Farewell to dismay
Embrace inevitable change

Roadmap California (1/17/11)

Powered by innovation
Fueled by automation
Flying in superhighway
Sailing across red sea
Exploring wild frontier

There will be a lighthouse
There will be a paradise

State Route 92 Bridge (1/3/11)

Right behind the toll station
Silver ribbon crossing dark bay
Fireflies ascending to land at SFO
It is also the way to Half Moon Bay
Cruising at 70 miles per hour
Flowing are songs of guilty pleasure

To get to Mission Street
You cannot skip Market Street
Once passing Popular Avenue
You are sure to hit Fashion Island Boulevard

Pleasure Business (12/31/10)

Life is all about sensation
Sensation is all about satisfaction

Love is fig leaf of marriage
Marriage is epitaph of love

Business is pleasure
Pleasure is business
What else can possess more sense
Of accomplishment than
Staying in pleasure business

Golden State Night (12/29/10)

Finally hitting the end of Geary Boulevard
After forty-miles driving along I-880
Parking right in front of open Pacific Ocean
Behind closed Golden State Park
You can smell the cold of Golden State winter
Making French Brandy in cup much warmer

Who says there is no view at night
The best view is in your heart
The best future is in your hand

Movie Industry (12/24/10)

The most powerful career is producer
The most authoritative career is director
The most creative career is screenwriter
The most charming career is actor
The most tricky career is makeup artist
The most dangerous career is stunt

Without audience
Who would send them to red carpet

New Campus I - Hillview (12/19/10)

What a magnificent view in rainy season
With holiday frenzy in sunshine state
You do not need to struggle for a parking spot
After spending 127 Hours in Century 25
I finally find disposable wine glasses at Bevmo!

Night Life II (12/16/10)

As the sky falls dark
The traffic gets worse
At the turn of green light
I notice trees turn red

Head from 880 South to 237 West
Get on 101 North
Get off Shoreline Blvd
Tonight networking at linkedIn campus
Right opposite to Microsoft Lab

No idea what was going on at PARC auditorium last night
Expect holiday partying at SAP campus tomorrow night

New Model (12/12/10)

Totally different culture
Totally different behavior
Totally different rhythm
Totally different mentality
Totally different market

Fear uncertainty dismay
Courage confidence joy
Learning by doing
Getting thing done
Making it happen

Rebirth of Life (12/2/10)

If life can be created
What else cannot be created

If life can be redefined
What else cannot be redefined

If life can be played
What else cannot be played

Holiday Snapshot (11/28/10)

Friday was black
Saturday was cloudy
Sunday is shining

Magpies walking on the road
Sparrows resting on the sea
Eagles soaring in the sky

You cannot get every deal you want
You cannot decline every deal you hesitate

Life is too short to be false
Life is too good to be true

Highway II (11/16/10)

Being conservative
You stay in the right lane

Being liberal
You stay in the left lane

Being independent
You stay in the middle lane

Cannot be too fast
Cannot too slow
Just follow the traffic
If you do not want to be ticketed

Bay Area II (11/1/10)

Stars are shining on the hills
Gold are buried in the minds
Wind is falling from the sky
Wine is brewing in the valley
Rain is making from the ocean
Inno is singing in the engine

Four Seasons (10/25/10)

A Chilly Winter afternoon
Ridding in an old wagon
Heading towards Neuschwanstein Castle
Neighboring Lake Swan dreaming so long

A warm Spring High-noon
Walking around the crowded street
Embracing the fragrance of blooming cherry
In the heart of downtown Tokyo

A cool Summer morning
On a sunny day under blue sky
Aiming for the green afar
Seventeen Mile Drive at Pebble Beach

A silent Autumn Mid-night
Opening a bottle of fine Brandy
Ignoring the exaggerated radio gossip
On the road to the paradise of dream

Pathfinder (10/28/10)

There are mountains
There are bridges
There are highways
There are locals

There is shortest route
There is quickest route
There is cheapest route
There is safest route

You can rely on stars
You can rely on compasses
You can rely on maps
You can rely on GPS

Multiple solutions one destination
Love what you do
Do what you love
That is essence of happiness

Watch & Match (10/25/10)

There is a timer in cell phone
There is a timer on dash board
Yet you still wanna a decent watch

You can ignite through car lighter
You can ignite through fireplace
Yet you still wanna a perfect match

Life is a drama
Property by property
Act by act
Stage by stage
Life is a drama

Buzz or Hype? (10/23/10)

Cloud computing is cloudy
Social network only partially works
There are few groups are on Groupon
No too many Diggers are still digging
Who cares your Twitter twitters
Only Yelp does yelp sometimes

Paradigm Shift (10/21/10)

Poetry as an art
Needs to be reinvented

Poet as an career
Has been gone with wind

Poetic as spirit
Will last forever

Bay Area (10/16/10)

There are no seasons
There are no skyscrapers
There are no boundaries
There are no ceilings

Same highway
Different speed
Same ocean
Different view

Root of inspiration
Source of innovation
Road to success
Destination of freedom

No place like this
With infinite opportunities
Bay Area Bay Area
Bay Area Bay Area

San Francisco (10/11/10)

Surrounded by water
Supported by hills
Covered with fogs

Pacific's golden gate
New comer's dream port
Continent's silver bullet

San Francisco San Francisco
San Francisco San Francisco

I Am Back (10/5/10)

It takes me a minute to get used to more fresh air
It takes me an hour to get used to cleaner water
It takes me a day to get used to safer food
It takes me a week to get used to higher speed limit
I am back on such a wonderful day through Argonaut Way

作者:朕2.0海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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