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主题: Georgia O'Keeffe的画惊世骇俗
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作者 Georgia O'Keeffe的画惊世骇俗   

头衔: 海归上将

头衔: 海归上将
声望: 专家
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/02/22
文章: 6784

海归分: 1043950

文章标题: Georgia O'Keeffe的画惊世骇俗 (2565 reads)      时间: 2012-6-06 周三, 22:32   

作者:悍马海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Georgia O'Keeffe美国上世纪前半期的美国女画家,最有名的是画花蕊,放大了画,有的画有强烈的性暗示,刚展览出来的时候在那个年代非常惊世骇俗。她的女性朋友很诧异的问她:你会把这幅画拿去展出呀?!


O'Keeffe first came to the attention of the New York art community in 1916, several decades before women had gained access to art training in America’s colleges and universities, and before any of its women artists were well known or highly celebrated. Within a decade, she had distinguished herself as one of America's most important modern artists, a position she maintained throughout her life. As a result, O’Keeffe not only carved out a significant place for women painters in an area of the American art community that had been exclusive to and is still dominated by men, but she also became one of America’s most celebrated cultural icons well before her death at age 98 in 1986.

Her abstract imagery of the 1910s and early 1920s is among the most innovative of any work produced in the period by American artists. She revolutionized the tradition of flower painting in the 1920s by making large-format paintings of enlarged blossoms, presenting them close up as if seen through a magnifying lens. In addition to this, O'Keeffe's depictions of New York buildings, most of which date from the same decade, have been recognized as among the most compelling of any paintings of the modern city。

作者:悍马海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • Georgia O'Keeffe的画惊世骇俗 -- 悍马 - (1574 Byte) 2012-6-06 周三, 22:32 (2565 reads)
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