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主题: What is 洗脑 and what is not -- a logical distinction
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作者 What is 洗脑 and what is not -- a logical distinction   


文章标题: What is 洗脑 and what is not -- a logical distinction (951 reads)      时间: 2005-2-17 周四, 23:34      

作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Many Chinaheads proclaim that my pro-American stance is the result of brainwash by American media, which posses better and smarter way of brainwashing technics.

To that I say you are out your mind.

We have to distinguish between influence and brainwash. We are influenced by other people's opinion all the time, that is how we mankind learns.

Brainwashing is that one can only be influenced by one kind of opinion and can only express one kind of opinion, usually under the threat of violance.

Now, in US you can have access to all and every kind of opinions -- 伊森.乔丹(Eason Jordan) does not have agree to CNN editor-in-chief, but CNN editor-in-chief does not have to agree with Eason either. Above all you don't have to watch CNN at all, you can read People's Daily everyday if so you chose.

In China, the "committe" has instructions on every on-going news events and on every historical events, and everything else is blocked. Seeking information outside of what is allowed has a chance to end up in jail. And expressing opinions is even more dangerous.

To summerize, 洗脑's worst consequence is not just a bunch of foreign opinions forced into one's mind, it is the loss of capability to perform logical thinking. We call that phenomena "脑子进水了!".


作者:游客海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

波儿名言:强权之下皆太监,洗脑之下尽奴才 海归主坛 2014-3-28 周五, 20:58
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洗脑久了,脑子就会进水。俺一直以为人民公敌老蒋抗战时躲在峨眉山上, 海归商务 2011-7-15 周五, 23:48
说说驯兽式洗脑 海归商务 2011-1-23 周日, 18:00
[原创]总是接受大家的教育和洗脑,很是感激,今天来个友情回馈。 海归主坛 2009-10-02 周五, 01:27
有人说历史的教训值得注意;有人说这是洗脑,灌输仇恨。对?错? 生活风情 2008-8-28 周四, 02:43
西方的媒体都被美国洗脑了。 海归茶馆 2008-8-13 周三, 23:43

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