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主题: [老中原创] 一个重庆海归LM的一天
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作者 [老中原创] 一个重庆海归LM的一天   

头衔: 海归元帅

头衔: 海归元帅
声望: 大师
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/12/19
文章: 10727
来自: 苏州/天津/北京/重庆/美国
海归分: 1376775

文章标题: [老中原创] 一个重庆海归LM的一天 (1925 reads)      时间: 2005-12-16 周五, 03:21   

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[老中原创] 一个重庆海归LM的一天

830AM 睡不着了, 起来上海归网, CHECK E-MAILS [回了一个教师感觉生活太平淡的咨询帖, 用的是我过去的两个帖子, 请她来电]

900AM 回笼觉

1000AM 学生来电[学生知道我十点起床],进入某大公司面试第四轮, 问如何DECLINE THEIR OFFER [TELL THEM U HAVE TWO OTHER INTERVIEW RESULTS PENDING AND one of them is in Metropolitan Plaza so that u cannot accept the offer on spot. It is a bad idea to ask for very high salary as the way to decline the offer.]

She also asked me how to deal with her BF who would arrive at CQ Airport two hours later without her permission. I found she still loves him so that it would be a mission impossible for her to terminate the relationship. 好在不必为明天牺牲今天anyway.

How do I know she still loves him? She said handsome guys would result in unstable marriage, graduating from a 3-yr college does not mean he could not be successful, occasionally sleeping with whores is understandable, etc.


1100AM shower

1130AM lunch [兰州拉面三元]

1200NOON HAIR BLOW DRY [RMB 10], shoeshine [RMB 1]



115PM preparation for 12/18 Christmas Party

330PM TAXI TO sha ping ba

400PM Thai massage with BJ [RMB50. I gave her RMB50 tip, she declined, I insisted and she said "OK, I will pay the massage at the front desk", which is RMB25 -- The BJ is not a part of her work, but we knew each other for so long.]

600PM BUFFET with a guy from 98, RMB136 [不知其网名,知道也要为他保密]

730PM Check out two sauna places with him and saw 10 girls. found an extremely good one, could be the second best ever since I came back to CQ 4.5 years ago! another one was not bad either.[But he is too handsome to pay RMB 600 for this kind of activity. I think he can do things like this for free.]

800PM TAXI TO MARRIOTT TO meet my former wai qi co-worker from Shanghai.

900PM "真爱"is hot! It used to be RMB 25 for a beer and RMB 20 for a fruit platter. Now a small table asks for RMB 280 min. charge and a single seat is RMB 100 min. Left.

930PM "空瓶子"酒吧.waited for "夜生活形象大使"选拔赛 at 10pm, but nothing happened at 10:10, left

945PM The Vogue Covergirl called me that she came back from Japan, married a Chinese student from XX province in Japan. Her hometown is in Sichuan and the reason she is in CQ is to sell the apartment a richman bought her several years ago. We will meet for lunch tomorrow.

1030PM 江北大浪淘沙,extremely crowded, all the ten receptionists were busy with customers and we were left unattended.

1100PM Back to Marriott sauna, the 170 tall receptionist I recommended to them no longer works there. I called her that she resigned cuz a customer asked her to do massage for RMB 3000, but she refused. She also said the highest weekly salary the girls there made was RMB 10000+ as she saw it.

Had foot massage there for RMB 60/person. I respect the girl who did massage for my Shanghai co-worker cuz she is so pretty and still willing to make such little money [Her number is 927.]

My Shanghai co-worker was eventually satisfied.

0:30AM heading home

1:00AM received an e-mail from my student in 2002, whose husband said he was one of the 25 richest in Chongqing. She will be back from overseas for Christmas.

Saw 功夫王 一个北京海归LM的一天 and started writing mine.

3:00AM finish writing, go to bed

P.S. 数了数一天中竟有五个极品女人,也太巧了,或者是同功夫王有TELEPATHY?

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由laozhong于2007-2-10 周六, 01:59修改,总共修改了1次

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