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主题: [老中原创/泡经] 从刘少奇的女大学生舞伴谈我WHY敢于将我的泡经公诸于世
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作者 [老中原创/泡经] 从刘少奇的女大学生舞伴谈我WHY敢于将我的泡经公诸于世   

头衔: 海归元帅

头衔: 海归元帅
声望: 大师
性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2004/12/19
文章: 10727
来自: 苏州/天津/北京/重庆/美国
海归分: 1376775

文章标题: [老中原创/泡经] 从刘少奇的女大学生舞伴谈我WHY敢于将我的泡经公诸于世 (3135 reads)      时间: 2006-8-25 周五, 14:36   

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com


[WHY江西老根据地没舞会? 愚以为这同1938年大批革命知识分子弃蒋投明不无关系]

1980教育部北大全外教英语培训班有个北师大女讲师, 五几年组织安排到怀仁堂陪中央首长跳舞, 二十几年后仍能看出她当年的校花风范.

她经常跟外教讲: "I danced with Liu Shaoqi, the late Chairman of PRC", 边说还边摆出跳舞的姿势.

毫无疑问, she was very proud of that.

当时刘主席已经六十开外, 所以她不可能爱他

但她为什么surely very happy she had the opportunity?



从上述例子看, 她"喜欢"陪刘主席跳舞可能至少有以下两个原因:

1. She respected him [我们那时都十分热爱毛主席, 我考大学第一志愿开始是报的解放军外语学院 -- 不要高估我们那时的水平, 我们那时是一个信息闭塞的社会]

2. It is RECOGNITION -- why was she chosen while there were several thousand college girls in Beijing at that time.


厚颜无耻地说, to a much lesser digree, I feel I am sort of like that at my English corners.

Almost all the girls I invite to the small-scale but high-profile events related to our corners are very happy to join the events.

They do not love me [though some might love me a little], but most of them, I believe, somehow respect me [since most of them do not argue with me even though they do not agree to my radical points of view. 她们很给我面子尽管我其实无所谓]

More importantly, they care of the RECOGNITION.

They know my standard is high [though still much lower than the claimed standard by 98 DXs -- I bet DXs actual standard most likely would be much lower than mine -- why? because we live in very different markets!!!]

They know how hard to get into my preferred list of invitation [We talk about 30 out of 3000!!!]


for most of them, even if they read my articles, I bet they would still be more than happy to come to my events.

1. They got THE recognition.

2. They may find THE opportunity they have been desperately looking for

3. They do not have to pay

4. They trust me -- absolutely no physical contact of any kind [based on my 4+ years of impeccable tracking record at my English corners]

Why not then?

老中 2006-08-25

作者:laozhong海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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