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主题: 也谈VT事件和华裔融入美国社会: be selfish is the basic value of democracy
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作者 也谈VT事件和华裔融入美国社会: be selfish is the basic value of democracy   

头衔: 海归上士

性别: 性别:男
加入时间: 2007/04/19
文章: 8

海归分: 1067

文章标题: 也谈VT事件和华裔融入美国社会: be selfish is the basic value of democracy (1707 reads)      时间: 2007-4-22 周日, 13:17   

作者:mthood海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

There was much discussion about how Chinese act differently from the mainstream U.S. society in the face of the VT event. One point made was that we Chinese couldn't make ourselves a part of mainstream as we don't think mainstream - we only see things from our narrow lens and we're selfish.

I disagree. There is nothing wrong to act in one's best interest. In fact, I believe it's the foundation and the basic value of capitalism and democracy. Of course, its flip side is to be calculating enough to give up some selfish interest only to attain as much self interest as practically possible.

As some have observed, one problem with Chinese in the U.S is not well trained to understand the game rules of this society, act by the rules, and be strong to defend our interests by the rules.

Think about the Jews when you question whether we Chinese are selfish. Think about the Jews when you question whether we Chinese are wise.

I feel sorry about the victims at VT. And I'm selfish and want to protect my family members from such violence. Neither is related to ethinicity.

I'm also selfish and want to protect my family members from any backlash of this event as a Chinese or Asian, or any prejudice of this nature. I want my children to be safe and happy in this land.

Had the killer been a white, do people (white and non-white) care about his ethinicity?

作者:mthood海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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