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主题: [原创照片实记] Coming Bak 2 Life周末系列 II - “无聊慵懒 ”星期天
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作者 [原创照片实记] Coming Bak 2 Life周末系列 II - “无聊慵懒 ”星期天   

头衔: 海归少尉
声望: 博导
性别: 性别:女年龄: 44
加入时间: 2006/05/24
文章: 3527
来自: USA
海归分: 3513

文章标题: [原创照片实记] Coming Bak 2 Life周末系列 II - “无聊慵懒 ”星期天 (2148 reads)      时间: 2007-4-23 周一, 10:36   

作者:SallySally海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

[原创照片实记] Coming Bak 2 Life周末系列 I - 快乐星期六

[原创照片实记] Coming Bak 2 Life周末系列 II - “充实慵懒 ”星期天

Went to bed late the previous night,you know, partied too late, sort of...

Got up at 9 o'clock and browsed the internet in bed for a while, still a little sleepy.

Hubby's still sound asleep by my side,

Well, there's still plenty of time to join him!

Didn't get up for a long and relaxing bubble bath until 11:30am,

Hubby was waiting for me downstairs, with light rock music and scrambled eggs...

3 o'clock, headed out with friends to "Sweat Potatos" for a veggie buffet lunch, $7.99 plus tax it was? Quite a deal.

Driving crazy on highway, we turned on the rock music and turned it up and up a bit more,

Oh man, only a few months ago little could I imagine such a great life waiting for me right ahead!

Gorgeous sunshine , awesome breeze, things are simply perfect!

Time for me to do grocery shopping, alone, gee, how I enjoyed it!

Again, driving wild with loud music on...

Pulled into the parking lot, a policeman was driving by and by me,

What? Can't you let a girl enjoy some simple happy routines?

Driving back home, feeling a little cold in this open jeep, with A/C turned on, I repeated this song again and again and here come the lyrics:


My friend's got a girlfriend and he hates that bitch
He tells me everyday
He says I've really gotta lose my chick
In the worst kind of way

She sits on her ass
He works his hands to the bone
To give her money every payday
She wants more dinero just sit at home
Well my friend you gotta say

I won't pay
I won't pay
A NO waaaay
A nana why don't you get a job
Say no way
Say no way
A no waaay
A nana won't get you a job

I guess all his money
Well it isn't enough
To keep her bill collectors at bay
I guess all his money
Well it isn't enough
Cause that girls got expensive taste


Well I guess it ain't easy doin nothin at all
Wo yeah
But hey man free rides don't just come along everyday

{lemme tell yah bout my other friend now

My friend's got a boyfriend and she she hates that dick {that's right
She tells me everyday
He wants more dinero just to stay at home
Well my friend you gotta say


I won't give you no money
I always pay
A nana won't you get a job
Say no way
Say no way
Ah no waay
A naba won't you get a jooob

Now that's something everyone can enjoy!




艳阳高照,我们也是防晒霜全副武装。WHO 怕 WHO? Smile


四个字突然蹿出来:行为艺术?! :~D

  蔬菜buffet店,店员大多为墨西哥裔。很是实惠,$7.99+tax (after 3pm)。



哦,对了,吃饭时差点笑得被过气去,在朋友们的影响下,我的幽默细胞也是与日俱增啊 Razz

  Super H Mart, 一家韩国超市。购买者多为华人,也有印度人,墨西哥人,米国人,和其他外国人。



  朋友开车(那猛男个子太高,坐后面腿伸不直),看见偶lg在欧斜后面往外探头探脑了么? 呵呵,不知是不是在看米女,大街上真的是走着很多穿上连衣裙的米女呀~~

作者:SallySally海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

上一次由SallySally于2007-4-24 周二, 22:25修改,总共修改了4次

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