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主题: 关于中国商贩与印度商贩的脱口秀
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作者 关于中国商贩与印度商贩的脱口秀   

头衔: 海归准将

头衔: 海归准将
声望: 学员
性别: 性别:女年龄: 51
加入时间: 2005/09/14
文章: 679
来自: 某国驻华使馆
海归分: 106854

文章标题: 关于中国商贩与印度商贩的脱口秀 (1605 reads)      时间: 2007-5-27 周日, 18:56   

作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

Russell Peters - Chinese Sellers /may27

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RePRWgo3Zc 播放

https://www.youtube.com/get_video?video_id=49tZQURkXJU&t=OEgsToPDskLVQUhBgcAKiw7_ZvVIsM7g 下载

that you can't do business together,chinese people and indian people cannot do business together, cause inidans cannot live without a bargain, and chinese people cannot give you a bargain.

their objective is to get every penny from you,and ours is to keep every penny,there's a really bad power circle there,I went to this chinese mall, some you may know pacific mall,that's the wrong place for indian guy to go.

i saw this bag,i want buy this bag.i go,how much, i go to the chinese guy and i go,how much. he goes,thirty-five dollars. um,how about thirty?and chinese people never tell you no,they will tell you no, the belongest no you've ever heard,alright?

like you just said the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard in theri life.i'll give you thirty. no,i cann't do thirty dollars,if i sell you thirty dollars today you come, tomorrow i close down!

oh,my God!alright, then give me a deal on my purse,man.i don't wanna pay for thirty five bucks.ok,one sec, i will talk to my wife,one second, thank you.

ok, you seem like nice guy,i'll give you best price,thirty four fifty.

you i got fifty cents, man.he goes,fifty cents is a lot of money,you save fifty cents here maybe you go somewhere else you save anther fifty cents,then you have 1 dollar.

then you take your dollar,you go to the dollar store,you buy sth else.

this turk's turned into my money manager or sth you know.let me financial plan for you.

and i go,you know what,dude,forget about,i don't want it.it's not a deal.

he starts tell me stop, there has nothing to do with anything.i go,i'm leaving. he goes,hey,be a man.

be a man do the right thing. what are you talking about do the right thing? maybe you don't buy the purse right now.you go some.you walk along the mall.you see sth else.you don't buy.you come back you say,hey,i want the purse with thirty four fifty.i say no. you don't give a thirty four fifty now,price go up may be fourty dollar.be a man.

he just can't do business, man.we could work together.we just can't work with each other,you know.




作者:山东斯汀海归酒吧 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 关于中国商贩与印度商贩的脱口秀 -- 山东斯汀 - (2329 Byte) 2007-5-27 周日, 18:56 (1605 reads)
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