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主题: [转帖]aah, news travel fast these days...
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作者 [转帖]aah, news travel fast these days...   

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文章标题: [转帖]aah, news travel fast these days... (970 reads)      时间: 2007-7-13 周五, 01:04   

作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

4. The China Food Panic of 2007!

Slowly, but surely, we are all being poisoned by tainted products from China.

The latest tainted product from China? Fake pork buns!
Fake steamed buns made from up to 60% waste paper and cardboard have become the latest food to join a growing list of health scares in China.
Tainted pet food, fake cancer drugs, toothpaste with anti-freeze as an ingredient, even fake water!
Where will it end!?
A better question is "Where did it begin?"
The New York Times back in April, in a story on pet food from China with the toxic ingredient melamine as a filler, that "for years, producers of animal feed all over China have secretly supplemented their feed with melamine, a cheap additive."
Yes, that's right. FOR YEARS!
Meanwhile, today the Times reports that federal inspectors have stopped more food shipments from India and Mexico in the last year than they have from China.
So why does it matter now?
Pete Kendall's Sociotimes commentary site explains:
- "The news is not the use of melamine in dog food, but the emergence of a new fearful mood, one that closely resembles similar mass fears about food that hit in the early stage of bear markets."
Kendall cites the establishment of the Food and Drug Administration as the result of a similar mass fear over food supplies.
Another was the health food craze of the 1960s.
Food is a very emotional topic. It carries deep associations to nationality, ethnicity, regional identity, family and behavior.
Not surprisingly, as risk preferences begin to shift and overall fear grows, food is among the most high profile worries.

5. Who Needs a $50,000 Mattress?

The New York Times this morning has a shocking SHOCKING! expose on the luxury mattress business!!!

The Swedish mattress maker Hastens is offering a mattress with a price tag of $59,750.
A company called Magniflex is selling a $24,000 mattress.
Hollandia, an Israeli company, is offering one for $50,000.
What is the calculus — economic or otherwise — that brings a mattress to the $50,000 price level, the Times asks.
"Because it’s there!’ ” exclaimed Pamela Danzinger, author of (seriously), “Let Them Eat Cake: Marketing Luxury to the Masses - as Well as the Classes” and “Why People Buy Things They Don’t Need.”
“Those making over $250,000 a year are the fastest-growing households by income in the country. We know that from our survey,” Danzinger said.
Sure, that kind of money for a mattress sounds ridiculous on the surface, but stop and think about it for a moment.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American spends a little more than 8 hours a day sleeping.
Even if you live in Los Angeles, you have to ask yourself, how much time do you spend driving? Is it two hours a day? Three?
Yet people don't think twice about buying a car that costs $25,000 - every four or five years!
A good $25,000 mattress should last at least 10 years, some claim to be capable of supporting your sleep habit for up to 20 years.
Also, you don't have to put gas in your mattress! Or at least you shouldn't.
See, it's all about priorities.

No positions in stocks mentioned.


Kevin Depew welcomes your comments and/or feedback at [email protected].

Kevin Depew is the Managing Editor of Minyanville.com. Prior to joining Minyanville, Kevin spent more than five years as an analyst with Dorsey, Wright & Associates where he contributed to and edited the firm's daily research. Mr. Depew may trade securities that are discussed on the site, both before and after the articles are published and/or may have a position in such securities. Mr. Depew will indicate whether he, individually, or Todd Harrison has a position in stocks or other securities in any of the companies he discusses in an article but will not disclose the direction of the position. He will not disclose his or Mr. Harrison's ownership of any securities issued by companies that are not discussed in an article. The disclosures will be accurate as of the time of publication of an article and may change thereafter.

作者:parisparis海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • [转帖]aah, news travel fast these days... -- parisparis - (4275 Byte) 2007-7-13 周五, 01:04 (970 reads)
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