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主题: [提上来]再论Hugo de GARIS, 兼答"科海拾贝"ID
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作者 [提上来]再论Hugo de GARIS, 兼答"科海拾贝"ID   

头衔: 海归中校

头衔: 海归中校
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加入时间: 2007/01/21
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文章标题: [提上来]再论Hugo de GARIS, 兼答"科海拾贝"ID (1043 reads)      时间: 2007-7-22 周日, 19:25   

作者:唐古拉海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

你对你导师的辩护,可以理解. 最近很忙, 做一个简单回复.

1) 在海外做Faculty的多知道, 论文并不在数量,而在IF (影响因子), 147篇EI, 对一个60岁的Academic staff 来说并不希奇, 只要交的起conference registration并有研究生, 一年十篇EI是没问题的, 关键是IF, 你的已临退休之年的导师在他一生的研究生涯里发过的论文的最高IF有多少? 有几篇IF>2的论文吗?

2) 至于Wikipedia, 你可以再看一遍, 通篇是对你导师的很negative调子, 请看:
"To date, he has failed to demonstrate that this approach could work."

"but, up to now, has failed to evolve anything that could be considered as a brain, or even a serious robot control system."

"However, no details of this current work have been published, and a working robot control system has yet to be demonstrated. It is unclear whether he has made any advances beyond the simple xor logic function previously demonstrated."

"The original aim of de Garis' work was to establish the field of "brain building" (a term of his invention) and to "create a trillion dollar industry within 20 years". Throughout the 90s his papers claimed that by 2001 the ATR "Robokoneko" (translation: kitten robot) project would develop a billion-neuron "cellular automata machine brain" (CAM-brain), with "computational power equivalent to 10,000 pentiums" that could simulate the brain of a real cat. de Garis received a US$1.4 million grant to develop this. The first "CAM-brain" was delivered to ATR in 1999; No intelligent system was ever created with it. After receiving a further US$1 million grant at Starlab de Garis failed to deliver a working "brain" before Starlab's bankruptcy. At USU de Garis announced he was establishing a "brain builder" group to create a second generation "CAM-brain". No papers, or even a members list, were ever published by the group."

够了吧, 你的导师烧了不少海外(日本,比利时等)的钱, 一事无成, 现在来烧中国人卖苦力赚来的钱了. 据说他最近还和一个中国姑娘结了昏,看来,国内真已是foreign loser的天堂了. 

3) He had been given chances in USA to prove his hypothesis and himself, but he failed. He is a typical loser in the academic community.

至于你,做了他的学生,我只能说类似于上了贼船. Frankly speaking, if you wanna pursue an academic life in a country other than China in your future, you'd better not to mention your supervisor's name. 也许你现在听不进去,若干年后,you will realise that it is a sincere advice.

That is enough for today and for this Hugo de Garis.

作者:唐古拉海归商务 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • [提上来]再论Hugo de GARIS, 兼答"科海拾贝"ID -- 唐古拉 - (2438 Byte) 2007-7-22 周日, 19:25 (1043 reads)
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