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主题: 主体美国人的日常食品,可能是对身体很不利的 + ZT:1个癌症患者食疗有成效
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作者 主体美国人的日常食品,可能是对身体很不利的 + ZT:1个癌症患者食疗有成效   

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加入时间: 2008/01/05
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文章标题: 主体美国人的日常食品,可能是对身体很不利的 + ZT:1个癌症患者食疗有成效 (1653 reads)      时间: 2008-9-08 周一, 13:50   

作者:BinarySuan海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com




美国的大众商店里就卖这些东西,催生出来的肉,PROCESSED FOOD 。。。餐馆里的饭就更不用说了. 哎!偶家里人都是肉食动物.


Silicon Valley Engineer Survived His Advanced Colon Cancer
This is a true of story of a software engineer who prefers to be anonymous. Let's call him Paul.

When Paul was first diagnosed with advanced colon cancer in Jan. 1998, he was only 32. He first had a surgery at Kaiser Hospital in Santa Clara to remove the colon section with the huge tumor that almost caused total blockage. Several neighboring lymph nodes were also taken out. The surgeon also got some biopsies from the liver lesions.

The cancer already spread to liver and lymph nodes. Never heard about colon cancer before, now he had to face this devastating disease himself, because medical treatment really provided little hope of cure. He really had no choice but to look for any possible treatments out there. So he followed the oncologist to do chemotherapy. With 6 months on the 5-Fu+LV, CT scans showed essentially no improvement on liver lesions. The oncologist had no better option, so he kept Paul on the treatment. After another cycle of 3 month chemotherapy, Paul felt that there was no hope of any sort if keeping on this treatment.

He began looking for more 'innovative' treatment. At that time, there was a gene therapy clinical trial at UCSF cancer center. With a kind reference by Dr. Tsai at El Camino Medical Group, Paul went to see Dr. Warren and Dr. Venook at UCSF. Dr. Warren performed a surgery to implant pump for drug delivery to Paul's liver. For some reasons, Paul was not given the gene therapy, but instead a traditional liver cancer treatment. Big doses of medicine was injected into the pump for continuous delivery. After 3 month treatment, the CT scan did show a very little improvement, but did not offered any hope of remission or partial remission if staying on this drug. At the same time, the side effects were quite severe. Paul felt very weak. He was also very very tired of all these chemotherapy treatments. He decided to give himself a chance to try it out.

Ever since Paul was diagnosed with the disease, he knew there was no cure from standard medical treatment. Paul started to seek. As "...seek, and ye shall find;...". He eagerly searched for alternative therapies. He heard about some survivors from non-curable cancers. These stories inspired him. He firmly believed in his survival.

Paul read Dr. Ann Wigmore's book "Be Your Own Doctor, A Positive Guide to Natural Living", and the living foods lifestyle. He also carefully studied Eydie Mae's book "How I Conquered Cancer Naturally".

Paul read Chinese herbal medicine books and healing philosophy. He studied Qi-Gong books and other mind-body healing techniques. He visited several Chinese herbal doctors and had some Qi-Gong treatment sessions.

Paul read Bible day and night, tried to gain strength and comfort from The Book. He attended church group healing prayer meetings every week. He went to miracle crusades of various spirit healers (including Benny Hinn).

Paul read various books on macrobiotics and carefully studied many of its successful healing cases. Elaine Nussbaum's book "Recovery from Cancer: The Remarkable Story of One Woman's Struggle With Cancer and What She Did to Beat the Odds", described some details on the natural healing process of Elaine's terminal stage cancer. The book "Recalled by Life" by Anthony J. Sattilaro, about a Philadelphia physician recounts how he recovered from what was diagnosed as terminal cancer by following a strict vegetarian diet -- the macrobiotics approach. Paul went to a macrobiotics teacher to learn how to cook whole grains and vegetables, and other macrobiotics food preparation techniques.

Every day, Paul tried to walk in the park or the neighborhood when he had some strength. When he needed to rest, he tried to practice deep breathing technique and meditation. There was no time for watching TV or read newspaper etc. He spent every second to detoxify his body, mind and spirit, and to rebuild his body (immune system), mind, and spirit.

Once Paul stopped his treatment at UCSF, he completely changed his diet over night to follow macrobiotics. After 3 months, he went back to see Dr Venook and had a CT scan. Things seemed to be stable but he was much weaker because he didn't get enough vital forces from the diet. Sometime he felt fainted. He realized that he had to add new elements to his natural healing protocol. When he was trying very hard to figure out what to do next, he stumbled upon a flier on promoting "Green Life Juicer", together with Rev. Malkmus's message on juicing, "Barley Green" and "Herbal Fiberblend". He also got several Dr. Day's video tapes including "You Can't Improve On God" and "Believing is Seeing" which he watched over and over again. He instantly ordered a "Green Life Juicer", some "Barley Green" and "Herbal Fiberblend". At that time, it was hot summer in California. In addition to carrot juice, Paul tried to juice wheat grass, dandelion green, romaine lettuce, endive. He also tried some fruits and other root plants. Most of time, he would make carrot, dandelion green and romaine lettuce juices. Later, Paul upgraded his Green Life Juicer to K.K. Juicer. Paul started to feel stronger, and even got back some weight. After about 2 months on these enriched protocol, Paul went back to Dr. Venook and had CT scan, the liver lesions were about the same as before, even though he felt better.

After nearly two years of completely focusing on the tough battle with his cancer, Paul, his wife and 2 year old daughter started to have trips to Hawii and Canada, he felt like being well now. One of his friends heard about a supplement called Vita Carte, suggested him to try that. Since it seemed to have no side effects, so Paul gave it a try. In Feb. 2000, Paul came back to Dr. Venook and took a CT scan. The liver lesions were significantly shrinked. Some just disappeared. So Paul stayed on his protocol until year 2002. After that, he added small amount of egg, fish and meat to his diet (very small ration).Today, Paul is still having his reduced daily juice schedule. With mostly cooked whole grains (old fashioned oatmeal, brown rice) and vegetables ba<x>sed diet, he feels stronger than several years ago. He is planning to go back to pure vegetarian diet again.
Posted in Colon Cancer, Macrobiotics, Gerson Therapy

作者:BinarySuan海归茶馆 发贴, 来自【海归网】 http://www.haiguinet.com

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  • 主体美国人的日常食品,可能是对身体很不利的 + ZT:1个癌症患者食疗有成效 -- BinarySuan - (7068 Byte) 2008-9-08 周一, 13:50 (1653 reads)
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