This is Achilles greeting you from Hong Kong International Airport:

Just finished my 2-day biz trip and ready to head to Shanghai for a 1-day conference, and am taking a small break in the CAAC’’s lounge, while waiting for MU728 boarding announcement.

This lounge is very nicely set up, with not only regular amenities such as snack bar (serving dim sum), mini bar (serving soft drinks and Martini, Vodka, etc.), plus a lot of sofas to sit on, varieties of magazines to read, Internet access (which I'’m using right now), but also 8 reclining chairs in a semi-isolated area, where tired travellers can take a nap quietly and comforably.

It’’s also unique in the sense that there is no wall seperating this lounge from the terminal, except that it’’s on 2nd floor overlooking the terminal corridor. In my memory, most airline lounges are closed behind a thick wall, giving people walking in some kind of feeling that they'’re different (or presumably superior) to the other passengers who don'’t have the previlige — I like it!

The only thing I don'’t like is that the computer doesn'’t support Chinese input, so I have to type in English. Even worse, the computer is configured such that no other programs except Internet Explorer can be seen from the "Start" menu, so there’’s no way to enable Regional Settings.

I remember An Puruo said there were a lot of people in HK airport, but this is not the case I see today — maybe I'’m lucky that I visited HK in a less busy time. Imagine next week…