New Healthcare Waste Guidance Launched In UK

A new guide to managing waste in the healthcare sector was launched recently at an event in London.

Safe Management Of Healthcare Waste was launched at the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health’s (IOSH’s) Healthcare Specialist Group networking meeting, at the Health and Safety Executive’s Rose Court offices.

The publication is one of a series of the Department’s Health Technical Memoranda. It’s for all those involved in the management of healthcare waste and provides practical advice and guidance for waste producers, including the NHS and independent providers of healthcare.

Commenting at the launch of the guidance, Lorraine Brayford, from the Department of Health, said:

“The guidance provided in Safe Management of Healthcare Waste has been produced with the involvement of health authorities throughout England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
“In preparing this guidance, advice and information has been provided by a broad cross-section of healthcare waste stakeholders including producers, waste management and other contractors, and manufacturers of equipment and supplies.”

Peter Brown, director of health and work at the Health and Safety Executive, added:

“While the main body of this guidance focuses on healthcare waste management issues associated with NHS healthcare practice, its content is also aimed at other producers of healthcare waste.
“The document replaces the Health Services Advisory Committee’s guidance document Safe Disposal Of Clinical Waste (1999). It has been revised and updated to take into account the changes in legislation governing the management of waste, its storage, carriage, treatment and disposal, and health and safety.”

Patrick Keady, IOSH Healthcare Specialist Group chair said:

“I want to acknowledge those members of the IOSH Healthcare Specialist Group that contributed to the development of this important guidance. IOSH welcomes this guidance which will make a positive contribution to making waste management in the healthcare sector safer.”


The guidance document can be found at :

Special thanks to Mr. Bob McIntyre for the link…